alert=\u00a78[\u00a74Alert\u00a78]\u00a7r already_connected=\u00a7cYou are already connected to this server already_connecting=\u00a7cAlready connecting to this server! command_list=\u00a7a[{0}] \u00a7e({1}): \u00a7r{2} connect_kick=\u00a7cKicked whilst connecting to current_server=\u00a76You are currently connected to fallback_kick=\u00a7cCould not connect to default or fallback server, please try again later: fallback_lobby=\u00a7cCould not connect to target server, you have been moved to the fallback server lost_connection=[Proxy] Lost connection to server. mojang_fail=Error occurred while contacting login servers, are they down? no_permission=\u00a7cYou do not have permission to execute this command! no_server=\u00a7cThe specified server does not exist no_server_permission=\u00a7cYou don't have permission to access this server outdated_client=Outdated Client! outdated_server=Outdated Server! proxy_full=Server is full restart=[Proxy] Proxy restarting. server_kick=[Kicked] server_list=\u00a76You may connect to the following servers at this time: server_went_down=\u00a7cThe server you were previously on went down, you have been connected to the lobby total_players=Total players online: {0} name_too_long=Cannot have username longer than 16 characters ping_cannot_connect=\u00a7c[Bungee] Can't connect to server.