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package fr.pandacube.lib.db;
2021-03-21 20:17:31 +01:00
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import fr.pandacube.lib.util.Log;
2021-03-21 20:17:31 +01:00
public abstract class SQLWhere<E extends SQLElement<E>> {
public abstract ParameterizedSQLString toSQL() throws DBException;
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public String toString() {
try {
return toSQL().sqlString();
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} catch (DBException e) {
return "[SQLWhere.toString() error (see logs)]";
public SQLWhereAnd<E> and(SQLWhere<E> other) {
return new SQLWhereAnd<E>().and(this).and(other);
public SQLWhereOr<E> or(SQLWhere<E> other) {
return new SQLWhereOr<E>().or(this).or(other);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLWhereAnd<E> and() {
return new SQLWhereAnd<>();
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLWhereOr<E> or() {
return new SQLWhereOr<>();
public static String escapeLike(String str) {
return str.replace("\\", "\\\\").replace("_", "\\_").replace("%", "\\%");
public static abstract class SQLWhereChain<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhere<E> {
private final SQLBoolOp operator;
private final List<SQLWhere<E>> conditions = new ArrayList<>();
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private SQLWhereChain(SQLBoolOp op) {
if (op == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("op can't be null");
operator = op;
protected void add(SQLWhere<E> sqlWhere) {
if (sqlWhere == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sqlWhere can't be null");
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public boolean isEmpty() {
return conditions.isEmpty();
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public ParameterizedSQLString toSQL() throws DBException {
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if (conditions.isEmpty()) {
throw new DBException("SQLWhereChain needs at least one element inside !");
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
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List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
boolean first = true;
for (SQLWhere<E> w : conditions) {
if (!first)
sql.append(" ").append(operator.sql).append(" ");
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first = false;
ParameterizedSQLString ret = w.toSQL();
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return new ParameterizedSQLString(sql.toString(), params);
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protected enum SQLBoolOp {
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>AND</code>" */
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>OR</code>" */
/* package */ final String sql;
SQLBoolOp(String s) {
2021-03-21 20:17:31 +01:00
sql = s;
public static class SQLWhereAnd<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhereChain<E> {
private SQLWhereAnd() {
public SQLWhereAnd<E> and(SQLWhere<E> other) {
return this;
public static class SQLWhereOr<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhereChain<E> {
private SQLWhereOr() {
public SQLWhereOr<E> or(SQLWhere<E> other) {
return this;
/* package */ static class SQLWhereComp<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhere<E> {
private final SQLField<E, ?> left;
private final SQLComparator comp;
private final Object right;
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* Compare a field with a value
* @param l the field at left of the comparison operator. Can't be null
* @param c the comparison operator, can't be null
* @param r the value at right of the comparison operator. Can't be null
/* package */ <T> SQLWhereComp(SQLField<E, T> l, SQLComparator c, T r) {
if (l == null || r == null || c == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All arguments for SQLWhereComp constructor can't be null");
left = l;
comp = c;
right = r;
public ParameterizedSQLString toSQL() throws DBException {
2021-03-21 20:17:31 +01:00
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
SQLElement.addValueToSQLObjectList(params, left, right);
return new ParameterizedSQLString("`" + left.getName() + "` " + comp.sql + " ? ", params);
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/* package */ enum SQLComparator {
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>=</code>" */
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>></code>" */
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>>=</code>" */
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>&lt;</code>" */
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>&lt;=</code>" */
/** Equivalent to SQL "<code>!=</code>" */
/* package */ final String sql;
SQLComparator(String s) {
2021-03-21 20:17:31 +01:00
sql = s;
/* package */ static class SQLWhereIn<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhere<E> {
private final SQLField<E, ?> field;
private final Collection<?> values;
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/* package */ <T> SQLWhereIn(SQLField<E, T> f, Collection<T> v) {
if (f == null || v == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All arguments for SQLWhereIn constructor can't be null");
field = f;
values = v;
public ParameterizedSQLString toSQL() throws DBException {
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List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
if (values.isEmpty())
return new ParameterizedSQLString(" 1=0 ", params);
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for (Object v : values)
SQLElement.addValueToSQLObjectList(params, field, v);
char[] questions = new char[values.size() == 0 ? 0 : (values.size() * 2 - 1)];
for (int i = 0; i < questions.length; i++)
questions[i] = i % 2 == 0 ? '?' : ',';
return new ParameterizedSQLString("`" + field.getName() + "` IN (" + new String(questions) + ") ", params);
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/* package */ static class SQLWhereLike<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhere<E> {
private final SQLField<E, ?> field;
private final String likeExpr;
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* Compare a field with a value
* @param f the field at left of the LIKE keyword. Can't be null
* @param like the like expression.
/* package */ SQLWhereLike(SQLField<E, ?> f, String like) {
if (f == null || like == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("All arguments for SQLWhereLike constructor can't be null");
field = f;
likeExpr = like;
public ParameterizedSQLString toSQL() {
2021-03-21 20:17:31 +01:00
ArrayList<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
return new ParameterizedSQLString("`" + field.getName() + "` LIKE ? ", params);
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/* package */ static class SQLWhereNull<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends SQLWhere<E> {
private final SQLField<E, ?> field;
private final boolean isNull;
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* Init a IS NULL / IS NOT NULL expression for a SQL WHERE condition.
* @param field the field to check null / not null state
* @param isNull true if we want to ckeck if "IS NULL", or false to check if
/* package */ SQLWhereNull(SQLField<E, ?> field, boolean isNull) {
if (field == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("field can't be null");
if (!field.canBeNull)
Log.warning("Useless : Trying to check IS [NOT] NULL on the field " + field.getSQLElementType().getName()
+ "#" + field.getName() + " which is declared in the ORM as 'can't be null'");
this.field = field;
this.isNull = isNull;
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public ParameterizedSQLString toSQL() {
return new ParameterizedSQLString("`" + field.getName() + "` IS " + ((isNull) ? "NULL" : "NOT NULL"), new ArrayList<>());
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