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# Pandalib
### Development library for Minecraft server applications and plugins
This repository contains a collection of maven modules that are used for the development of our Minecraft server. Those
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modules are made open source, so they can be used by other developers. Each of them provides different functionalities
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that are detailed in their respective Readme file (if any).
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- `pandalib-util` General purpose utility and helper classes;
- `pandalib-chat` A chat API working on top of the Adventure API;
- `pandalib-db` An ORM working with a MySQL server through JDBC;
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- `pandalib-bungee` Utility and helper classes to use in BungeeCord plugins. Also provides platform implementation for `pandalib-players` and `pandalib-commands` ;
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- `pandalib-paper` Utility and helper classes to use in Spigot/Paper plugins. Also provides platform implementation for `pandalib-players` and `pandalib-commands` ;
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- `pandalib-reflect` A reflection wrapper to make reflective operation easier;
- `pandalib-permissions` A general purpose permission system;
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- `pandalib-bungee-permissions` Integration of the permission system `pandalib-permissions` into BungeeCord;
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- `pandalib-paper-permissions` Integration of the permission system `pandalib-permissions` into Bukkit, Vault and WEPIF permission systems;
- `pandalib-players` A library to handle classes representing online or offline players;
- `pandalib-players-permissible` An extension of `pandalib-players` with support for the permission system `pandalib-permissions` ;
- `pandalib-netapi` A poorly designed, but working TCP network library;
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- `pandalib-config` Utility and helper classes to handle configuration related files and folders;
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- `pandalib-commands` An abstract command manager working on top of [Brigadier ](https://github.com/Mojang/brigadier );
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- `pandalib-cli` Utility and helper classes for a standalone CLI Java application;
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- `pandalib-core` A catch-all module for some helper classes that didn't have their own module yet;
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### Use in your projects
To use one of the module as a Maven dependency, add the Jitpack repository in the `<repositories>` section in your `pom.xml` :
< repositories >
< repository >
< id > jitpack.io< / id >
< url > https://jitpack.io< / url >
< / repository >
< / repositories >
Then, add any module you need in your `<dependencies>` section:
< dependencies >
< dependency >
< groupId > fr.pandacube.pandalib< / groupId >
< artifactId > pandalib-util< / artifactId > <!-- Put here the name of the module you want -->
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< version > master-SNAPSHOT< / version > <!-- last version of master branch -->
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< / dependency >
< / dependencies >
You can use the version as provided in the code above, but if you want a stable version, check those available in the
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[tag section ](https://github.com/PandacubeFr/PandaLib/tags ).