More reflect stuff in ReflectRegistry for paper plugin

This commit is contained in:
Marc Baloup 2022-06-13 23:02:25 +02:00
parent 53869636f5
commit ba3e99b639
1 changed files with 281 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ package fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect;
import static fr.pandacube.lib.core.util.ThrowableUtil.wrapEx;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.bukkit.NamespacedKey;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
@ -30,6 +34,10 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getProtocolVersion = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getProtocolVersion"));
public static final class ProgressListener {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.util.ProgressListener"));
public static final class WorldVersion {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.WorldVersion"));
@ -41,6 +49,22 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final class DedicatedServer {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer"));
public static final ReflectField<?> vanillaCommandDispatcher = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().field("vanillaCommandDispatcher"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getLevelIdName = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getLevelIdName"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getProperties = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getProperties"));
public static final class Settings {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.dedicated.Settings"));
public static final ReflectField<?> properties = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().field("properties"));
public static final class DedicatedServerProperties {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServerProperties"));
public static final class DedicatedPlayerList {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedPlayerList"));
public static final class Commands {
@ -112,6 +136,11 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getZ = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING_SUPERCLASS.mojMethod("getZ"));
public static final class ChunkPos {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor(int.class, int.class));
public static final class ResourceLocationArgument {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.commands.arguments.ResourceLocationArgument"));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor());
@ -126,14 +155,194 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor());
public static final class Level {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getGameTime = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getGameTime"));
public static final ReflectField<?> paperConfig = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("paperConfig"));
public static final class ServerLevel {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getFreeMapId = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getFreeMapId"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> save = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("save", ProgressListener.MAPPING, boolean.class, boolean.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getChunkSource = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getChunkSource"));
public static final class ServerChunkCache {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache"));
public static final ReflectField<?> chunkMap = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("chunkMap"));
public static final class ChunkMap {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap"));
public static final ReflectField<?> updatingChunks = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().field("updatingChunks")); // spigot/paper field
public static final ReflectField<?> autoSaveQueue = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().field("autoSaveQueue")); // spigot/paper field
public static final ReflectField<?> level = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("level"));
public static final ReflectField<?> pendingUnloads = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("pendingUnloads"));
public static final ReflectField<?> toDrop = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("toDrop"));
public static final class ChunkStorage {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> read = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("read", ChunkPos.MAPPING));
public static final class ServerPlayer {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer"));
public static final ReflectField<?> connection = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("connection"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> hurt = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("hurt", DamageSource.MAPPING, float.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> isTextFilteringEnabled = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("isTextFilteringEnabled"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> allowsListing = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("allowsListing"));
public static final class DamageSource {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectField<?> OUT_OF_WORLD = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("OUT_OF_WORLD"));
public static final class ServerGamePacketListenerImpl {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> sendPacket = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("send", NMS.Protocol.Packet.MAPPING));
public static final class Protocol {
public static final class Packet {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final class ClientboundGameEventPacket {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor(Type.MAPPING.runtimeClass(), float.class));
public static final ReflectField<?> RAIN_LEVEL_CHANGE = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("RAIN_LEVEL_CHANGE"));
public static final ReflectField<?> THUNDER_LEVEL_CHANGE = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("THUNDER_LEVEL_CHANGE"));
public static final class Type {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("$Type"));
public static final ReflectField<?> TYPES = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("TYPES"));
public static final class ClientboundCustomPayloadPacket {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor(ResourceLocation.MAPPING.runtimeClass(), FriendlyByteBuf.MAPPING.runtimeClass()));
public static final ReflectField<?> BRAND = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("BRAND"));
public static final class FriendlyByteBuf {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor(Netty.ByteBuf.REFLECT.get()));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> writeUtf = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("writeUtf", String.class));
public static final class Block {
public static final class BambooBlock {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectField<?> COLLISION_SHAPE = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("COLLISION_SHAPE"));
public static final class AABB {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.runtimeReflect().constructor(double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class, double.class));
public static final class SavedData {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> setDirty = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("setDirty"));
public static final class MapItemSavedData {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass(""));
public static final ReflectField<?> colors = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("colors"));
public static final ReflectField<?> locked = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojField("locked"));
public static final class Nbt {
public static final class NbtIo {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.nbt.NbtIo"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> readCompressed = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("readCompressed", File.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> writeCompressed = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("writeCompressed", CompoundTag.MAPPING, File.class));
public static final class Tag {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.nbt.Tag"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getAsString = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getAsString"));
public static final class StringTag {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.nbt.StringTag"));
public static final class CompoundTag {
public static final ClassMapping MAPPING = wrapEx(() -> NMSReflect.mojClass("net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putBoolean = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putBoolean", String.class, boolean.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putByte = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putByte", String.class, byte.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putByteArray = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putByteArray", String.class, byte[].class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putByteArray_List = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putByteArray", String.class, List.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putDouble = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putDouble", String.class, double.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putFloat = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putFloat", String.class, float.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putInt = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putInt", String.class, int.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putIntArray = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putIntArray", String.class, int[].class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putIntArray_List = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putIntArray", String.class, List.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putString = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putString", String.class, String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putUUID = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putUUID", String.class, UUID.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putLong = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putLong", String.class, long.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putLongArray = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putLongArray", String.class, long[].class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putLongArray_List = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putLongArray", String.class, List.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> putShort = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("putShort", String.class, short.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> put = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("put", String.class, Tag.MAPPING));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getTagType = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getTagType", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getByte = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getByte", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getShort = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getShort", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getInt = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getInt", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getLong = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getLong", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getFloat = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getFloat", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getDouble = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getDouble", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getString = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getString", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getByteArray = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getByteArray", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getIntArray = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getIntArray", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getLongArray = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getLongArray", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getCompound = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getCompound", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getBoolean = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getBoolean", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> get = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("get", String.class));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getAllKeys = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("getAllKeys"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> entries = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("entries"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> size = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("size"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> contains = wrapEx(() -> MAPPING.mojMethod("contains", String.class));
public static final class OBC {
public static final class CraftServer {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> OBCReflect.ofClass("CraftServer"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getServer = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("getServer"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getHandle = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("getHandle"));
public static final class VanillaCommandWrapper {
@ -159,8 +368,37 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final ReflectMethod<?> toBukkit_vec3 = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("toBukkit", NMS.Vec3.MAPPING.runtimeClass()));
public static final class CraftWorld {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> OBCReflect.ofClass("CraftWorld"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getHandle = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("getHandle"));
public static final class CraftPlayer {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> OBCReflect.ofClass("entity.CraftPlayer"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getHandle = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("getHandle"));
public static final class CraftMapView {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> OBCReflect.ofClass("map.CraftMapView"));
public static final ReflectField<?> worldMap = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.field("worldMap"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> render = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("render", CraftPlayer.REFLECT.get()));
public static final class RenderData {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> OBCReflect.ofClass("map.RenderData"));
public static final ReflectField<?> buffer = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.field("buffer"));
public static final class Paper {
@ -169,8 +407,29 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final ReflectMethod<?> asAdventure = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("asAdventure", NMS.Component.MAPPING.runtimeClass()));
public static final class AABBVoxelShape {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> Reflect.ofClass("io.papermc.paper.voxel.AABBVoxelShape"));
public static final ReflectConstructor<?> CONSTRUCTOR = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.constructor(NMS.AABB.MAPPING.runtimeClass()));
public static final class QueuedChangesMapLong2Object {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> Reflect.ofClass(""));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> getVisibleMap = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("getVisibleMap"));
public static final class PaperWorldConfig {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> Reflect.ofClass("com.destroystokyo.paper.PaperWorldConfig"));
public static final ReflectField<?> autoSavePeriod = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.field("autoSavePeriod"));
public static final class Brigadier {
@ -183,6 +442,28 @@ public class ReflectRegistry {
public static final class Netty {
public static final class ByteBuf {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> Reflect.ofClass("io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf"));
public static final class Unpooled {
public static final ReflectClass<?> REFLECT = wrapEx(() -> Reflect.ofClass("io.netty.buffer.Unpooled"));
public static final ReflectMethod<?> buffer = wrapEx(() -> REFLECT.method("buffer"));
* Initialization stuff