package fr.pandacube.lib.paper.permissions; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible; import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissibleBase; import org.bukkit.permissions.Permission; import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachment; import org.bukkit.permissions.PermissionAttachmentInfo; import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin; import fr.pandacube.lib.permissions.Permissions; import fr.pandacube.lib.reflect.Reflect; import fr.pandacube.lib.util.Log; /* package */ class PermissionsInjectorBukkit { // to be called : onEnable for console, onPlayerLogin (not Join) (Priority LOWEST) for players public static void inject(CommandSender sender) { Permissible oldP = getPermissible(sender); if (oldP instanceof PandaPermissible) return; if (!oldP.getClass().equals(PermissibleBase.class)) { Log.warning("Another plugin is already injecting permissions into Bukkit for " + sender.getName() + ": " + oldP.getClass().getName()); Log.warning("Not injecting our own permissions."); } PandaPermissible p = new PandaPermissible(sender, getPermissible(sender)); setPermissible(p.sender, p); p.recalculatePermissions(); } // to be called : onDisable for console, onPlayerQuit () and onDisable for players public static void uninject(CommandSender sender) { Permissible perm = getPermissible(sender); if (perm instanceof PandaPermissible p) { setPermissible(sender, p.oldPermissible); p.oldPermissible.recalculatePermissions(); } } private static void setPermissible(CommandSender sender, Permissible newpermissible) { try { Field perm = getPermField(sender); if (perm == null) return; perm.setAccessible(true); perm.set(sender, newpermissible); } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe(e); } } /* package */ static Permissible getPermissible(CommandSender sender) { Field perm = getPermField(sender); if (perm == null) return null; try { perm.setAccessible(true); Permissible p = (Permissible) perm.get(sender); if (p == null) { Log.warning("Null permissible instance found in provided CommandSender: " + sender, new Throwable()); } return p; } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe(e); } return null; } private static Field getPermField(CommandSender sender) { if (sender == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sender cannot be null"); } try { if (sender instanceof Player || sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) return Reflect.ofClassOfInstance(sender).field("perm").get(); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type for sender: " + sender.getClass()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe(e); } return null; } /* package */ static class PandaPermissible extends PermissibleBase { private final CommandSender sender; private final Permissible oldPermissible; /* package */ final LoadingCache> superPermsPermissionCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .build(CacheLoader.from(PandalibPaperPermissions.SUPERPERMS_PARENT_PERMISSION_GETTER::apply)); @SuppressWarnings("UnusedAssignment") private boolean init = false; /* assigment to false is necessary because of super class constructor calling the method recalculatePermission() * and we don’t want that. */ private PandaPermissible(CommandSender sender, Permissible oldPermissible) { super(sender); this.sender = sender; this.oldPermissible = oldPermissible; init = true; recalculatePermissions(); } private Boolean hasPermissionOnServerInWorld(String permission) { if (sender instanceof Player player) { String world = player.getWorld().getName(); return Permissions.getPlayer(player.getUniqueId()).hasPermission(permission, PandalibPaperPermissions.serverName, world); } return true; } @Override public boolean hasPermission(String permission) { /* * WARNING: don’t call PermissibleOnlinePlayer#hasPermission(String) here or it will result on a stack overflow */ if (permission.toLowerCase().startsWith("minecraft.command.")) permission = PandalibPaperPermissions.permissionMap.getOrDefault(permission.toLowerCase(), permission); Boolean res = hasPermissionOnServerInWorld(permission); // supports negative permission if (res != null) return res; res = PandalibPaperPermissions.hasSuperPermsPermission(sender, permission, this::hasPermission, this); // supports negative permission if (res != null) return res; boolean reversed = permission.startsWith("-"); if (reversed) { permission = permission.substring(1); } return oldPermissible.hasPermission(permission) != reversed; } @Override public boolean hasPermission(Permission permission) { if (permission.getName().toLowerCase().startsWith("minecraft.command.") && PandalibPaperPermissions.permissionMap.containsKey(permission.getName().toLowerCase())) { return hasPermission(PandalibPaperPermissions.permissionMap.get(permission.getName().toLowerCase())); } Boolean res = hasPermissionOnServerInWorld(permission.getName()); // supports negative permission if (res != null) return res; res = PandalibPaperPermissions.hasSuperPermsPermission(sender, permission.getName(), this::hasPermission, this); // supports negative permission if (res != null) return res; return oldPermissible.hasPermission(permission); // doesn’t need to manage negative permission (should not happend) } @Override public void recalculatePermissions() { // need this check because super class constructor calls this method, // thus before oldPermissible has its value assigned if (!init) return; oldPermissible.recalculatePermissions(); superPermsPermissionCache.invalidateAll(); effectivePermissionsListCache.invalidateAll(); } private Map getEffectivePermissionsOnServerInWorld() { if (sender instanceof Player player) { String world = player.getWorld().getName(); return Permissions.getPlayer(player.getUniqueId()).listEffectivePermissions(PandalibPaperPermissions.serverName, world); } return new HashMap<>(); } // key is world private final Cache> effectivePermissionsListCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(); @Override public Set getEffectivePermissions() { // PlotSquared uses this method to optimize permission range (plots.limit.10 for example) // MobArena uses this method when a player leave the arena // LibsDisguises uses this method (and only this one) to parse all the permissions //Log.warning("There is a plugin calling CommandSender#getEffectivePermissions(). See the stacktrace to understand the reason for that.", new Throwable()); String world = null; if (sender instanceof Player player) { world = player.getWorld().getName(); } try { return effectivePermissionsListCache.get(world, () -> { // first get the superperms effective permissions (taht take isOp into accound) Map perms = oldPermissible.getEffectivePermissions().stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(PermissionAttachmentInfo::getPermission, Function.identity())); // then override them with the permissions from our permission system (that has priority, and take current world into account) for (Map.Entry permE : getEffectivePermissionsOnServerInWorld().entrySet()) { perms.put(permE.getKey(), new PermissionAttachmentInfo(this, permE.getKey(), null, permE.getValue())); } return new LinkedHashSet<>(perms.values()); }); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Log.severe(e); return oldPermissible.getEffectivePermissions(); } } @Override public boolean isOp() { return oldPermissible.isOp(); } @Override public void setOp(boolean value) { oldPermissible.setOp(value); } @Override public boolean isPermissionSet(String permission) { Boolean res = hasPermissionOnServerInWorld(permission); if (res != null) return true; return oldPermissible.isPermissionSet(permission); } @Override public boolean isPermissionSet(Permission permission) { Boolean res = hasPermissionOnServerInWorld(permission.getName()); if (res != null) return true; return oldPermissible.isPermissionSet(permission); } @Override public PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin) { return oldPermissible.addAttachment(plugin); } @Override public PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin, int ticks) { return oldPermissible.addAttachment(plugin, ticks); } @Override public PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value) { return oldPermissible.addAttachment(plugin, name, value); } @Override public PermissionAttachment addAttachment(Plugin plugin, String name, boolean value, int ticks) { return oldPermissible.addAttachment(plugin, name, value, ticks); } @Override public void removeAttachment(PermissionAttachment attachment) { oldPermissible.removeAttachment(attachment); } @Override public synchronized void clearPermissions() { if (oldPermissible instanceof PermissibleBase) ((PermissibleBase) oldPermissible).clearPermissions(); } } }