package fr.pandacube.util.text_display; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import; public class DisplayUtil { public static final int DEFAULT_CHAR_SIZE = 6; public static final Map CHARS_SIZE = new ImmutableMap.Builder() .put(-6, "§") .put(2, "!.,:;i|¡'") .put(3, "`lìí’‘") .put(4, " I[]tï×") .put(5, "\"()*<>fk{}") .put(7, "@~®©«»") .put(9, "├└") .build(); public static final int DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH = 320; public static final int SIGN_WIDTH = 90; public static final int BOOK_WIDTH = 116; public static final int CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT = 50; public static final ChatColor COLOR_TITLE = ChatColor.GOLD; public static final ChatColor COLOR_LINK = ChatColor.GREEN; public static final ChatColor COLOR_COMMAND = ChatColor.GRAY; public static BaseComponent createURLLink(String text, String url, String hoverText) { return _createURLLink(new Display(text), url, hoverText); } public static BaseComponent createURLLink(BaseComponent text, String url, String hoverText) { return _createURLLink(new Display(text), url, hoverText); } public static BaseComponent createURLLink(BaseComponent[] text, String url, String hoverText) { return _createURLLink(new Display(text), url, hoverText); } private static BaseComponent _createURLLink(Display d, String url, String hoverText) { String dispURL = (url.length() > 50) ? (url.substring(0, 48) + "...") : url; return d.clickURL(url) .hoverText(ChatColor.GRAY + ((hoverText == null) ? "Cliquez pour accéder au site :" : hoverText) + "\n" + ChatColor.GRAY + dispURL) .color(COLOR_LINK).get(); } public static BaseComponent createCommandLink(String text, String commandWithSlash, String hoverText) { return createCommandLink(text, commandWithSlash, hoverText == null ? null : TextComponent.fromLegacyText(hoverText)); } public static BaseComponent createCommandLink(String text, String commandWithSlash, BaseComponent hoverText) { return createCommandLink(text, commandWithSlash, hoverText == null ? null : new BaseComponent[] {hoverText}); } public static BaseComponent createCommandLink(String text, String commandWithSlash, BaseComponent[] hoverText) { return _createCommandLink(new Display(text), commandWithSlash, hoverText); } private static BaseComponent _createCommandLink(Display d, String commandWithSlash, BaseComponent[] hoverText) { d.clickCommand(commandWithSlash).color(COLOR_COMMAND); if (hoverText != null) d.hoverText(hoverText); return d.get(); } public static BaseComponent createCommandSuggest(String text, String commandWithSlash, String hoverText) { return createCommandSuggest(text, commandWithSlash, hoverText == null ? null : TextComponent.fromLegacyText(hoverText)); } public static BaseComponent createCommandSuggest(String text, String commandWithSlash, BaseComponent hoverText) { return createCommandSuggest(text, commandWithSlash, hoverText == null ? null : new BaseComponent[] {hoverText}); } public static BaseComponent createCommandSuggest(String text, String commandWithSlash, BaseComponent[] hoverText) { return _createCommandSuggest(new Display(text), commandWithSlash, hoverText); } private static BaseComponent _createCommandSuggest(Display d, String commandWithSlash, BaseComponent[] hoverText) { d.clickSuggest(commandWithSlash).color(COLOR_COMMAND); if (hoverText != null) d.hoverText(hoverText); return d.get(); } /** * @param cmdFormat the command with %d inside to be replaced with the page number (must start with slash) */ public static BaseComponent createPagination(String prefix, String cmdFormat, int currentPage, int nbPages, int nbPagesToDisplay) { Set pagesToDisplay = new TreeSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nbPagesToDisplay && i < nbPages && nbPages - i > 0; i++) { pagesToDisplay.add(i + 1); pagesToDisplay.add(nbPages - i); } for (int i = currentPage - nbPagesToDisplay + 1; i < currentPage + nbPagesToDisplay; i++) { if (i > 0 && i <= nbPages) pagesToDisplay.add(i); } Display d = new Display(prefix); boolean first = true; int previous = 0; for (int page : pagesToDisplay) { if (!first) { if (page == previous + 1) {" "); } else { if (cmdFormat.endsWith("%d")) {" ");"...", cmdFormat.substring(0, cmdFormat.length() - 2), "Choisir la page"));" "); } else" ... "); } } else first = false;, String.format(cmdFormat, page), "Aller à la page " + page)); if (page == currentPage) { d.color(ChatColor.WHITE); } previous = page; } return d.get(); } // TODO refaire les 4 methodes ci-dessous public static BaseComponent centerText(BaseComponent text, char repeatedChar, ChatColor decorationColor, boolean console) { int textWidth = strWidth(text.toPlainText(), console, false); if (textWidth > ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH)) return text; String current = text.toPlainText(); int count = 0; do { count++; current = repeatedChar + current + repeatedChar; } while (strWidth(current, console, false) <= ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH)); count--; String finalLeftOrRight = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) finalLeftOrRight += repeatedChar; Display d = new Display().next(finalLeftOrRight).color(decorationColor).next(text); if (repeatedChar != ' '); return d.get(); } public static BaseComponent leftText(BaseComponent text, char repeatedChar, ChatColor decorationColor, int nbLeft, boolean console) { int textWidth = strWidth(text.toPlainText(), console, false); if (textWidth > ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH) || textWidth + nbLeft * charW(repeatedChar, console, false) > ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH)) return text; Display d = new Display(); String finalLeft = ""; if (nbLeft > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nbLeft; i++) finalLeft += repeatedChar;; }; int count = 0; String current = finalLeft + text.toPlainText(); do { count++; current += repeatedChar; } while (strWidth(current, console, false) <= ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH)); count--; if (repeatedChar != ' ') { String finalRight = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) finalRight += repeatedChar;; } return d.get(); } public static BaseComponent rightText(BaseComponent text, char repeatedChar, ChatColor decorationColor, int nbRight, boolean console) { int textWidth = strWidth(text.toPlainText(), console, false); if (textWidth > ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH) || textWidth + nbRight * charW(repeatedChar, console, false) > ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH)) return text; String tempText = text.toPlainText(); if (nbRight > 0) { tempText += decorationColor; for (int i = 0; i < nbRight; i++) tempText += repeatedChar; } int count = 0; String current = tempText; do { count++; current = repeatedChar + current; } while (strWidth(current, console, false) <= ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH)); count--; String finalLeft = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) finalLeft += repeatedChar; Display d = new Display().next(finalLeft).color(decorationColor).next(text); if (repeatedChar != ' ') { String finalRight = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nbRight; i++) finalRight += repeatedChar;; } return d.get(); } public static BaseComponent emptyLine(char repeatedChar, ChatColor decorationColor, boolean console) { int count = ((console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH) / charW(repeatedChar, console, false); String finalLine = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) finalLine += repeatedChar; return new Display().next(finalLine).color(decorationColor).get(); } public static int componentWidth(BaseComponent[] components, boolean console) { return -> componentWidth(c, console)).sum(); } public static int componentWidth(BaseComponent component, boolean console) { int count = 0; for (BaseComponent c : component.getExtra()) count += componentWidth(c, console); if (component instanceof TextComponent) { count += strWidth(((TextComponent)component).getText(), console, component.isBold()); } else if (component instanceof TranslatableComponent) { for (BaseComponent c : ((TranslatableComponent)component).getWith()) count += componentWidth(c, console); } return count; } public static int strWidth(String str, boolean console, boolean bold) { int count = 0; for (char c : str.toCharArray()) count += charW(c, console, bold); return (count < 0) ? 0 : count; } private static int charW(char c, boolean console, boolean bold) { if (console) return (c == '§') ? -1 : 1; for (int px : CHARS_SIZE.keySet()) if (CHARS_SIZE.get(px).indexOf(c) >= 0) return px + (bold ? 1 : 0); return 6 + (bold ? 1 : 0); } public static List wrapInLimitedPixels(String legacyText, int pixelWidth) { List lines = new ArrayList<>(); legacyText += "\n"; // workaround to force algorithm to compute last lines; String currentLine = ""; int currentLineSize = 0; int index = 0; String currentWord = ""; int currentWordSize = 0; boolean bold = false; boolean firstCharCurrentWorldBold = false; do { char c = legacyText.charAt(index); if (c == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR && index < legacyText.length() - 1) { currentWord += c; c = legacyText.charAt(++index); currentWord += c; if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') // bold bold = true; if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') // reset bold || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || c == 'r' || c == 'R') bold = false; } else if (c == ' ') { if (currentLineSize + currentWordSize > pixelWidth && currentLineSize > 0) { // wrap before word lines.add(currentLine); String lastStyle = getLastColors(currentLine); if (currentWord.charAt(0) == ' ') { currentWord = currentWord.substring(1); currentWordSize -= charW(' ', false, firstCharCurrentWorldBold); } currentLine = (lastStyle.equals("§r") ? "" : lastStyle) + currentWord; currentLineSize = currentWordSize; } else { currentLine += currentWord; currentLineSize += currentWordSize; } currentWord = ""+c; currentWordSize = charW(c, false, bold); firstCharCurrentWorldBold = bold; } else if (c == '\n') { if (currentLineSize + currentWordSize > pixelWidth && currentLineSize > 0) { // wrap before word lines.add(currentLine); String lastStyle = getLastColors(currentLine); if (currentWord.charAt(0) == ' ') { currentWord = currentWord.substring(1); currentWordSize -= charW(' ', false, firstCharCurrentWorldBold); } currentLine = (lastStyle.equals("§r") ? "" : lastStyle) + currentWord; currentLineSize = currentWordSize; } else { currentLine += currentWord; currentLineSize += currentWordSize; } // wrap after lines.add(currentLine); String lastStyle = getLastColors(currentLine); currentLine = lastStyle.equals("§r") ? "" : lastStyle; currentLineSize = 0; currentWord = ""; currentWordSize = 0; firstCharCurrentWorldBold = bold; } else { currentWord += c; currentWordSize += charW(c, false, bold); } } while(++index < legacyText.length()); return lines; } public static String getLastColors(String legacyText) { String result = ""; int length = legacyText.length(); // Search backwards from the end as it is faster for (int index = length - 1; index > -1; index--) { char section = legacyText.charAt(index); if (section == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR && index < length - 1) { char c = legacyText.charAt(index + 1); ChatColor color = getChatColorByChar(c); if (color != null) { result = color.toString() + result; // Once we find a color or reset we can stop searching char col = color.toString().charAt(1); if ((col >= '0' && col <= '9') || (col >= 'a' && col <= 'f') || col == 'r') { break; } } } } return result; } public static ChatColor getChatColorByChar(char code) { return ChatColor.getByChar(Character.toLowerCase(code)); } /** * Force a text to be italic, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the ITALIC tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully italic */ public static String forceItalic(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.ITALIC); } /** * Force a text to be bold, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the BOLD tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully bold */ public static String forceBold(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.BOLD); } /** * Force a text to be underlined, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the UNDERLINE tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully underlined */ public static String forceUnderline(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.UNDERLINE); } /** * Force a text to be stroked through, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the STRIKETHROUGH tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully stroked through */ public static String forceStrikethrough(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH); } /** * Force a text to be obfuscated, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the MAGIC tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully obfuscated */ public static String forceObfuscated(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.MAGIC); } private static String forceFormat(String legacyText, ChatColor format) { return format + legacyText .replace(format.toString(), "") // remove previous tag to make the result cleaner .replaceAll("§([a-frA-FR0-9])", "§$1" + format); } /** * Replace the RESET tag of the input string to the specified color tag. * @param legacyText the original text * @param color the color to used to replace the RESET tag * (can be a combination of a color tag followed by multiple format tag) * @return the resulting text */ public static String resetToColor(String legacyText, String color) { return legacyText.replace(ChatColor.RESET.toString(), color); } /** * Generate a tree view based on the tree structure {@code node}. * * Each element in the returned array represent 1 line of the tree view. * Thus, the caller may send each line separately or at once depending of the quantity of data. * @param node * @return A array of component, each element being a single line. */ public static BaseComponent[] treeView(DisplayTreeNode node, boolean console) { List ret = treeView_(node, console); return ret.toArray(new BaseComponent[ret.size()]); } private static final String TREE_MIDDLE_CONNECTED = "├"; private static final String TREE_END_CONNECTED = "└"; private static final String TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN = "│§0`§r"; private static final String TREE_END_OPEN = "§0```§r"; private static final String TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN_CONSOLE = "│"; private static final String TREE_END_OPEN_CONSOLE = " "; // nbsp private static List treeView_(DisplayTreeNode node, boolean console) { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); TextComponent curr = new TextComponent(); curr.addExtra(node.component); curr.setText(""); ret.add(curr); for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); i++) { List childComponents = treeView_(node.children.get(i), console); boolean last = i == node.children.size() - 1; for (int j = 0; j < childComponents.size(); j++) { TextComponent cComp = childComponents.get(j); String prefix = last ? (j == 0 ? TREE_END_CONNECTED : (console ? TREE_END_OPEN_CONSOLE : TREE_END_OPEN)) : (j == 0 ? TREE_MIDDLE_CONNECTED : (console ? TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN_CONSOLE : TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN)); cComp.setText(prefix + cComp.getText()); ret.add(cComp); } } return ret; } public static class DisplayTreeNode { public final BaseComponent component; public final List children = new ArrayList<>(); public DisplayTreeNode(BaseComponent cmp) { component = cmp; } public DisplayTreeNode addChild(DisplayTreeNode child) { children.add(child); return this; } } }