package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; public class ChatColorUtil { public static final String ALL_CODES = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfKkLlMmNnOoPpRr"; public static final String ALL_COLORS = "0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFf"; private static final Pattern HEX_COLOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§x(?>§[\\da-f]){6}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private static final Pattern ESS_COLOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§#[\\da-f]{6}", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); /** * Return the legacy format needed to reproduce the format at the end of the provided legacy text. * Supports standard chat colors and formats, BungeeCord Chat rgb format and EssentialsX rgb format. * The RGB value from EssentialsX format is converted to BungeeCord Chat when included in the returned value. */ public static String getLastColors(String legacyText) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int length = legacyText.length(); for (int index = length - 2; index >= 0; index--) { if (legacyText.charAt(index) == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR) { // detection of rgb color §x§0§1§2§3§4§5 String rgb; if (index > 11 && legacyText.charAt(index - 12) == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR && (legacyText.charAt(index - 11) == 'x' || legacyText.charAt(index - 11) == 'X') && HEX_COLOR_PATTERN.matcher(rgb = legacyText.substring(index - 12, index + 2)).matches()) { result.insert(0, rgb); break; } // detection of rgb color §#012345 (and converting it to bungee chat format) if (index < length - 7 && legacyText.charAt(index + 1) == '#' && ESS_COLOR_PATTERN.matcher(rgb = legacyText.substring(index, index + 8)).matches()) { rgb = "§x§" + rgb.charAt(2) + "§" + rgb.charAt(3) + "§" + rgb.charAt(4) + "§" + rgb.charAt(5) + "§" + rgb.charAt(6) + "§" + rgb.charAt(7); result.insert(0, rgb); break; } // try detect non-rgb format char colorChar = legacyText.charAt(index + 1); ChatColor legacyColor = getChatColorByChar(colorChar); if (legacyColor != null) { result.insert(0, legacyColor); // Once we find a color or reset we can stop searching char col = legacyColor.toString().charAt(1); if ((col >= '0' && col <= '9') || (col >= 'a' && col <= 'f') || col == 'r') { break; } } } } return result.toString(); } public static ChatColor getChatColorByChar(char code) { return ChatColor.getByChar(Character.toLowerCase(code)); } /** * Translate the color code of the provided string, that uses the the color char, to * the {@code §} color code format. *

* This method is the improved version of {@link ChatColor#translateAlternateColorCodes(char, String)}, * because it takes into account essentials RGB color code, and {@code altColorChar} escaping (by doubling it). * Essentials RGB color code are converted to Bungee chat RGB format, so the returned string can be converted * to component (see {@link Chat#legacyText(Object)}). *

* This method should be used for user input (no permission check) or string configuration, but not string * from another API or containing URLs. */ public static String translateAlternateColorCodes(char altColorChar, String textToTranslate) { char colorChar = ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR; StringBuilder acc = new StringBuilder(); char[] b = textToTranslate.toCharArray(); for ( int i = 0; i < b.length; i++ ) { if (i < b.length - 1 // legacy chat format && b[i] == altColorChar && ALL_CODES.indexOf(b[i + 1]) > -1) { acc.append(colorChar); acc.append(lowerCase(b[i + 1])); i++; } else if (i < b.length - 13 // bungee chat RGB format && b[i] == altColorChar && lowerCase(b[i + 1]) == 'x' && b[i + 2] == altColorChar && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 3]) > -1 && b[i + 4] == altColorChar && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 5]) > -1 && b[i + 6] == altColorChar && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 7]) > -1 && b[i + 8] == altColorChar && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 9]) > -1 && b[i + 10] == altColorChar && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 11]) > -1 && b[i + 12] == altColorChar && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 13]) > -1) { acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 1])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 3])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 5])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 7])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 9])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 11])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 13])); i+=13; } else if (i < b.length - 7 // Essentials chat RGB format && b[i] == altColorChar && b[i + 1] == '#' && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 2]) > -1 && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 3]) > -1 && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 4]) > -1 && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 5]) > -1 && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 6]) > -1 && ALL_COLORS.indexOf(b[i + 7]) > -1) { acc.append(colorChar).append('x'); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 2])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 3])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 4])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 5])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 6])); acc.append(colorChar).append(lowerCase(b[i + 7])); i+=7; } else if (i < b.length - 1 && b[i] == altColorChar && b[i + 1] == altColorChar) { acc.append(altColorChar); i++; } else { acc.append(b[i]); } } return acc.toString(); } private static char lowerCase(char c) { return Character.toLowerCase(c); } /** * Force a text to be italic, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the ITALIC tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully italic */ public static String forceItalic(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.ITALIC); } /** * Force a text to be bold, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the BOLD tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully bold */ public static String forceBold(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.BOLD); } /** * Force a text to be underlined, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the UNDERLINE tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully underlined */ public static String forceUnderline(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.UNDERLINE); } /** * Force a text to be stroked through, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the STRIKETHROUGH tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully stroked through */ public static String forceStrikethrough(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH); } /** * Force a text to be obfuscated, while keeping other formatting and colors. * The text is prefixed with the MAGIC tag, but is not reset at the end. * @param legacyText the original text * @return the text fully obfuscated */ public static String forceObfuscated(String legacyText) { return forceFormat(legacyText, ChatColor.MAGIC); } private static String forceFormat(String legacyText, ChatColor format) { return format + legacyText .replace(format.toString(), "") // remove previous tag to make the result cleaner .replaceAll("§([a-frA-FR\\d])", "§$1" + format); } /** * Replace the RESET tag of the input string to the specified color tag. * @param legacyText the original text * @param color the color to used to replace the RESET tag * (can be a combination of a color tag followed by multiple format tag) * @return the resulting text */ public static String resetToColor(String legacyText, String color) { return legacyText.replace(ChatColor.RESET.toString(), color); } public static TextColor toAdventure(ChatColor bungee) { if (bungee == null) return null; if (bungee.getColor() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided Bungee ChatColor must be an actual color (not format nor reset)."); return TextColor.color(bungee.getColor().getRGB()); } public static ChatColor toBungee(TextColor col) { if (col == null) return null; if (col instanceof NamedTextColor) { return ChatColor.of(((NamedTextColor) col).toString()); } return ChatColor.of(col.asHexString()); } public static TextColor interpolateColor(float v0, float v1, float v, TextColor cc0, TextColor cc1) { float normV = (v - v0) / (v1 - v0); return TextColor.lerp(normV, cc0, cc1); } public static class ChatValueGradient { private record GradientValueColor(float value, TextColor color) { } // Java 16 final List colors = new ArrayList<>(); public synchronized ChatValueGradient add(float v, TextColor col) { colors.add(new GradientValueColor(v, col)); return this; } public synchronized TextColor pickColorAt(float v) { if (colors.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("Must define at least one color in this ChatValueGradient instance."); if (colors.size() == 1) return colors.get(0).color(); colors.sort((p1, p2) ->, p2.value())); if (v <= colors.get(0).value()) return colors.get(0).color(); if (v >= colors.get(colors.size() - 1).value()) return colors.get(colors.size() - 1).color(); int p1 = 1; for (; p1 < colors.size(); p1++) { if (colors.get(p1).value() >= v) break; } int p0 = p1 - 1; float v0 = colors.get(p0).value(), v1 = colors.get(p1).value(); TextColor cc0 = colors.get(p0).color(), cc1 = colors.get(p1).color(); return interpolateColor(v0, v1, v, cc0, cc1); } } }