package fr.pandacube.lib.players.standalone; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import net.kyori.adventure.text.ComponentLike; import; /** * Generic implementation of a player manager, handling instances of {@link AbstractOffPlayer} and * {@link AbstractOnlinePlayer}. * Subclasses should handle the addition and removal of {@link AbstractOnlinePlayer} instances according to the * currently online players. * @param the type of subclass of {@link AbstractOnlinePlayer} * @param the type of subclass of {@link AbstractOffPlayer} */ public abstract class AbstractPlayerManager { private static AbstractPlayerManager instance; /** * Gets the current instance of player manager. * @return the player manager. */ public static synchronized AbstractPlayerManager getInstance() { return instance; } private static synchronized void setInstance(AbstractPlayerManager newInstance) { if (instance != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot have multiple instance of PlayerManager"); } instance = newInstance; } private final Map onlinePlayers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); private final LoadingCache offlinePlayers = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .build(CacheLoader.from(this::newOffPlayerInstance)); /** * Creates a new instance of player manager. */ public AbstractPlayerManager() { setInstance(this); } /** * Adds the provided player to this player manager. * Usually this is called by a player join event handler. * @param p the player to add. */ protected void addPlayer(OP p) { onlinePlayers.put(p.getUniqueId(), p); offlinePlayers.invalidate(p.getUniqueId()); } /** * Removes the player from this player manager. * Usually this is called by a player quit event handler. * @param p the UUID of the player to remove. * @return the player that has been removed. */ protected OP removePlayer(UUID p) { return onlinePlayers.remove(p); } /** * Get the online player that has the provided UUID. * @param p the UUID of the player. * @return the online player instance. */ public OP get(UUID p) { return onlinePlayers.get(p); } /** * Tells if the provided player is online. * @param p the UUID of the player. * @return true if the provided player is online (that is when this player manager contains an online player * instance), false otherwise. */ public boolean isOnline(UUID p) { return onlinePlayers.containsKey(p); } /** * Get the number of online player registered in this player manager. * @return the number of online player registered in this player manager. */ public int getPlayerCount() { return onlinePlayers.size(); } /** * Get all the online players is this player manager. * @return all the online players is this player manager. */ public List getAll() { return new ArrayList<>(onlinePlayers.values()); } /** * Get all the players that the provided player can see. * The default implementation returns all the players. * Concrete subclasses should override this method, especially * on Paper server, using the {@code Player.canSee(Player)} API. * @return the players that the provided player can see. */ public List getOnlyVisibleFor(OF viewer) { return getAll(); } /** * Get all the players that the provided player can see. * The default implementation returns all the players. * Concrete subclasses should override this method, especially * on Paper server, using the {@code Player.canSee(Player)} API. * @return the players that the provided player can see. */ public List getNamesOnlyVisible(OF viewer) { return getOnlyVisibleFor(viewer).stream() .map(AbstractOnlinePlayer::getName) .toList(); } /** * Returns an instance of {@link AbstractOffPlayer} corresponding to a player with the provided {@link UUID}. * * @param p the UUID of the player. * @return an instance of {@link AbstractOffPlayer}. It can be a new instance, an {@link AbstractOnlinePlayer} * instance if the player is online, or a cached instance of {@link AbstractOffPlayer}. */ public OF getOffline(UUID p) { if (p == null) return null; OP online = get(p); if (online != null) { offlinePlayers.invalidate(p); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") OF ret = (OF) online; return ret; } // if not online try { return offlinePlayers.get(p); // load and cache new instance if necessary } catch (ExecutionException e) { throw new UncheckedExecutionException(e.getCause()); } } /** * Create a new instance of the appropriate subclass of {@link AbstractOffPlayer}. * @param p the uuid of the player. * @return the new instance of {@link AbstractOffPlayer}. */ protected abstract OF newOffPlayerInstance(UUID p); /** * Abstract method to implement to send a message to the console. * @param message the message to send to the console. */ protected abstract void sendMessageToConsole(Component message); /** * Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param console if the message must be displayed in the console. * @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission. * @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message. * If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message. * If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent * to players ignoring the provided player (if implemented). * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. * @implSpec subclasses may override this method, for instance to restrict the players being able to see the message * (like /ignored players). */ public void broadcastMessage(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, String permission, UUID sourcePlayer) { Objects.requireNonNull(message, "message cannot be null"); if (prefix) message = ChatStatic.prefixedAndColored(message.asComponent()); for (OP op : getAll()) { if (permission != null && !(op.hasPermission(permission))) continue; if (sourcePlayer != null) op.sendMessage(message, sourcePlayer); // CHAT message with UUID else op.sendMessage(message); // SYSTEM message } if (console) sendMessageToConsole(message.asComponent()); } /* * Message broadcasting */ /** * Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param console if the message must be displayed in the console. * @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission. * @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message. * If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message. * If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent * to players ignoring the provided player (if implemented). * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, String permission, UUID sourcePlayer) { getInstance().broadcastMessage(message, prefix, console, permission, sourcePlayer); } /** * Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console. *

* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String, UUID)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param console if the message must be displayed in the console. * @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, String permission) { broadcast(message, prefix, console, permission, null); } /** * Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console. *

* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, String, UUID)}. *

* This method decides to send the message to the console depending on whether {@code permission} * is null (will send to console) or not (will not send to console). To specify this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission (but not to console). * If null, the message will be sent to all players and to console. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, String permission) { broadcast(message, prefix, (permission == null), permission, null); } /** * Broadcast a message to all players, and to the console. *

* This method sends the message to the console. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String, UUID)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission (but not to console). * If null, the message will be sent to all players and to console. * @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message. * If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message. * If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent * to players ignoring the provided player (if implemented). * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, String permission, UUID sourcePlayer) { broadcast(message, prefix, true, permission, sourcePlayer); } /** * Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console. *

* This method doesn’t restrict to a specific permission. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String, UUID)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param console if the message must be displayed in the console. * @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message. * If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message. * If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent * to players ignoring the provided player (if implemented). * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, UUID sourcePlayer) { getInstance().broadcastMessage(message, prefix, console, null, sourcePlayer); } /** * Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console. *

* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, UUID)}. *

* This method doesn’t restrict to a specific permission. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param console if the message must be displayed in the console. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console) { broadcast(message, prefix, console, null, null); } /** * Broadcast a message to all players, and to the console. *

* This method sends the message to the console. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, UUID)}. *

* This method doesn’t restrict to a specific permission. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, String, UUID)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message. * If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message. * If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent * to players ignoring the provided player (if implemented). * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, UUID sourcePlayer) { broadcast(message, prefix, true, null, sourcePlayer); } /** * Broadcast a message to all players, and to the console. *

* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, UUID)}. *

* This method sends the message to the console. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean)}. *

* This method doesn’t restrict to a specific permission. To change this behaviour, use * {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, String)}. * * @param message the message to send. * @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null. */ public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix) { broadcast(message, prefix, true, null, null); } }