package fr.pandacube.lib.commands; import fr.pandacube.lib.util.ListUtil; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; /** * Functionnal interface providing suggestions for an argument of a command. * @param the type of the command sender. */ @FunctionalInterface public interface SuggestionsSupplier { /** * Gets the suggestion based on the parameters. * @param sender the sender of the command * @param tokenIndex the index, in {@code args}, of the currently typed token * @param token the token current value. * @param args all the space-separated parameters. * @return the suggestions to show to the user. */ List getSuggestions(S sender, int tokenIndex, String token, String[] args); /** * Number of suggestion visible at once without having to scroll IG. */ int VISIBLE_SUGGESTION_COUNT = 10; /** * Provides a filter that only accepts Strings that starts with the provided token, ignoring the case. * @param token the token to filter with. * @return a filter for the provided token. */ static Predicate filter(String token) { return suggestion -> suggestion != null && suggestion.toLowerCase().startsWith(token.toLowerCase()); } /** * Filter the provided {@link Stream} of string according to the provided token, using the filter returned by {@link #filter(String)}, * then returns the strings collected into a {@link List}. *

* This methods consume the provided stream, so will not be usable anymore. * @param stream the stream to filter and collet. * @param token the token to consider for filtering. * @return the stream, filtered and collected into a {@link List}. */ static List collectFilteredStream(Stream stream, String token) { return stream.filter(filter(token)).sorted().collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest nothing. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier empty() { return (s, ti, t, a) -> Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the values from the supplied {@link Collection}. * The provided {@link Supplier} will be called on each request for suggestions. * @param streamSupplier a {@link Supplier} that provide an instance of {@link Collection} to iterate through for * suggestions. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier fromCollectionsSupplier(Supplier> streamSupplier) { return (s, ti, token, a) -> collectFilteredStream(streamSupplier.get().stream(), token); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the values from the supplied {@link Stream}. * The provided {@link Supplier} will be called on each request for suggestions. * @param streamSupplier a {@link Supplier} that provide an instance of {@link Stream} to iterate through for * suggestions. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier fromStreamSupplier(Supplier> streamSupplier) { return (s, ti, token, a) -> collectFilteredStream(streamSupplier.get(), token); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the values from the provided {@link Collection}. * If the provided collection is modified, the changes will not be reflected on the suggestions. * @param suggestions the list of suggestion. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier fromCollection(Collection suggestions) { return fromStreamSupplier(suggestions::stream); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the values from the provided strings. * If the provided array is modified, the changes will not be reflected on the suggestions. * @param suggestions the suggestions. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier fromArray(String... suggestions) { return fromStreamSupplier(() ->; } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the values from the provided enum. * @param enumClass the class of the enum from which to suggest its values. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. * @param the enum type. */ static , S> SuggestionsSupplier fromEnum(Class enumClass) { return fromEnumValues(enumClass.getEnumConstants()); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the values from the provided enum. * @param enumClass the class of the enum from which to suggest its values. * @param lowerCase true to lowercase the enum values names, false to keep the case. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. * @param the enum type. */ static , S> SuggestionsSupplier fromEnum(Class enumClass, boolean lowerCase) { return fromEnumValues(lowerCase, enumClass.getEnumConstants()); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the provided enum values. * @param enumValues the values from an enum. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. * @param the enum type. */ @SafeVarargs static , S> SuggestionsSupplier fromEnumValues(E... enumValues) { return fromEnumValues(false, enumValues); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest the provided enum values. * @param lowerCase true to lowercase the enum values names, false to keep the case. * @param enumValues the values from an enum. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. * @param the enum type. */ @SafeVarargs static , S> SuggestionsSupplier fromEnumValues(boolean lowerCase, E... enumValues) { return (s, ti, token, a) -> { Stream st =; if (lowerCase) st =; return collectFilteredStream(st, token); }; } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest {@code "true"} or {@code "false"}. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier booleanValues() { return fromCollection(Arrays.asList("true", "false")); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest numbers according to the provided int range. * The current implementation only support ranges that include either -1 or 1. * @param min the minimum value of the interval, included. * @param max the maximum value of the interval, included. * @param compact if the suggestion must be compact. Disabling this feature may have big performance impact * on large intervals. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier fromIntRange(int min, int max, boolean compact) { return fromLongRange(min, max, compact); } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggest numbers according to the provided long range. * The current implementation only support ranges that include either -1 or 1. * @param min the minimum value of the interval, included. * @param max the maximum value of the interval, included. * @param compact if the suggestion must be compact. Disabling this feature may have big performance impact * on large intervals. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier fromLongRange(long min, long max, boolean compact) { if (max < min) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("min should be less or equals than max"); } if (compact) { return (s, ti, token, a) -> { try { List proposedValues = new ArrayList<>(); if (token.length() == 0) { long start = Math.max(Math.max(Math.min(-4, max - 9), min), -9); long end = Math.min(Math.min(start + 9, max), 9); ListUtil.addLongRangeToList(proposedValues, start, end); } else if (token.length() == 1) { if (token.charAt(0) == '0') { if (min > 0 || max < 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else return Collections.singletonList(token); } else if (token.charAt(0) == '-') { ListUtil.addLongRangeToList(proposedValues, Math.max(-9, min), -1); } else { long lToken = Long.parseLong(token); if (lToken > max) { return Collections.emptyList(); } lToken *= 10; if (lToken > max) { return Collections.singletonList(token); } ListUtil.addLongRangeToList(proposedValues, lToken, Math.min(lToken + 9, max)); } } else { long lToken = Long.parseLong(token); if (lToken < min || lToken > max) { return Collections.emptyList(); } lToken *= 10; if (lToken < min || lToken > max) { return Collections.singletonList(token); } if (lToken < 0) { ListUtil.addLongRangeToList(proposedValues, Math.max(lToken - 9, min), lToken); } else { ListUtil.addLongRangeToList(proposedValues, lToken, Math.min(lToken + 9, max)); } } return collectFilteredStream(, token); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return Collections.emptyList(); } }; } else { return (s, ti, token, a) -> collectFilteredStream(LongStream.rangeClosed(min, max).mapToObj(Long::toString), token); } } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that suggests duration strings, like "3d" for 3 days, or "1h" for 1 hour. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. * @param the type of the command sender. */ static SuggestionsSupplier suggestDuration() { final List emptyTokenSuggestions = -> "1" + p).collect(Collectors.toList()); return (s, ti, token, args) -> { if (token.isEmpty()) { return emptyTokenSuggestions; } List remainingSuffixes = new ArrayList<>(DURATION_SUFFIXES); char[] tokenChars = token.toCharArray(); String accSuffix = ""; for (char c : tokenChars) { if (Character.isDigit(c)) { scanAndRemovePastSuffixes(remainingSuffixes, accSuffix); accSuffix = ""; } else if (Character.isLetter(c)) { accSuffix += c; } else return Collections.emptyList(); } String prefixToken = token.substring(0, token.length() - accSuffix.length()); return SuggestionsSupplier.collectFilteredStream(, accSuffix) .stream() .map(str -> prefixToken + str) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }; } /** * List of all possible duration unit symbols for suggestions. */ public static final List DURATION_SUFFIXES = List.of("y", "mo", "w", "d", "h", "m", "s"); private static void scanAndRemovePastSuffixes(List suffixes, String foundSuffix) { for (int i = 0; i < suffixes.size(); i++) { if (foundSuffix.startsWith(suffixes.get(i))) { suffixes.subList(0, i + 1).clear(); return; } } } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that provides the suggestions of this instance, but with support for * greedy string (arguments that goes until the end of the command). * @param index the index of the first argument of the greedy string argument. * @return a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that supports quotable strings. */ default SuggestionsSupplier greedyString(int index) { return (s, ti, token, args) -> { if (ti < index) return Collections.emptyList(); String gToken = String.join(" ", Arrays.copyOfRange(args, index, args.length)); String[] splitGToken = gToken.split(" ", -1); int currentTokenPosition = splitGToken.length - 1; String[] prevWordsGToken = Arrays.copyOf(splitGToken, currentTokenPosition); String[] argsWithMergedGreedyToken = Arrays.copyOf(args, index + 1); argsWithMergedGreedyToken[index] = gToken; List currentTokenProposal = new ArrayList<>(); for (String suggestion : getSuggestions(s, index, gToken, argsWithMergedGreedyToken)) { String[] splitSuggestion = suggestion.split(" ", -1); if (splitSuggestion.length <= currentTokenPosition) continue; if (!Arrays.equals(Arrays.copyOf(splitGToken, currentTokenPosition), prevWordsGToken)) continue; if (splitSuggestion[currentTokenPosition].isEmpty()) continue; currentTokenProposal.add(splitSuggestion[currentTokenPosition]); } return currentTokenProposal; }; } /** * Creates a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that provides the suggestions of this instance, but with support for * quotable strings, as used by the Brigadier argument type StringArgumentType.string(). * @return a {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that supports quotable strings. */ default SuggestionsSupplier quotableString() { return (s, ti, token, a) -> { boolean startWithQuote = token.length() > 0 && (token.charAt(0) == '"' || token.charAt(0) == '\''); String realToken = startWithQuote ? unescapeBrigadierQuotable(token.substring(1), token.charAt(0)) : token; String[] argsCopy = Arrays.copyOf(a, a.length); argsCopy[a.length - 1] = realToken; List rawResults = getSuggestions(s, ti, realToken, argsCopy); boolean needsQuotes = false; for (String res : rawResults) { if (!isAllowedInBrigadierUnquotedString(res)) { needsQuotes = true; break; } } return needsQuotes ? : rawResults; }; } // inspired from com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader#readQuotedString() private static String unescapeBrigadierQuotable(String input, char quote) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(input.length()); boolean escaped = false; for (char c : input.toCharArray()) { if (escaped) { if (c == quote || c == '\\') { escaped = false; } else { builder.append('\\'); } builder.append(c); } else if (c == '\\') { escaped = true; } else if (c == quote) { return builder.toString(); } else { builder.append(c); } } return builder.toString(); } // from com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader#isAllowedInUnquotedString(char) private static boolean isAllowedInBrigadierUnquotedString(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || c == '_' || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '+'; } private static boolean isAllowedInBrigadierUnquotedString(String s) { for (char c : s.toCharArray()) if (!isAllowedInBrigadierUnquotedString(c)) return false; return true; } private static String escapeBrigadierQuotable(final String input) { final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("\""); for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) { final char c = input.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' || c == '"') { result.append('\\'); } result.append(c); } result.append("\""); return result.toString(); } /** * Creates a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier} that provides the suggestions of this instance, if and only if the * provided predicate returns true for the command sender. * @param check the predicate to test. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. */ default SuggestionsSupplier requires(Predicate check) { return (s, ti, to, a) -> check.test(s) ? getSuggestions(s, ti, to, a) : Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Creates a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier} containing all the element of this instance then the element of the provided one, * with all duplicated values removed using {@link Stream#distinct()}. * @param other another {@link SuggestionsSupplier} to merge with. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. */ default SuggestionsSupplier merge(SuggestionsSupplier other) { return (s, ti, to, a) -> { List l1 = getSuggestions(s, ti, to, a); List l2 = other.getSuggestions(s, ti, to, a); return Stream.concat(, .distinct() .collect(Collectors.toList()); }; } /** * Creates a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier} containing all the suggestions of this instance, * but if this list is still empty, returns the suggestions from the provided one. * @param other another {@link SuggestionsSupplier} to fallback to. * @return a new {@link SuggestionsSupplier}. */ default SuggestionsSupplier orIfEmpty(SuggestionsSupplier other) { return (s, ti, to, a) -> { List l1 = getSuggestions(s, ti, to, a); return !l1.isEmpty() ? l1 : other.getSuggestions(s, ti, to, a); }; } }