package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import fr.pandacube.lib.util.Log; /** * A wrapper for a {@link Socket}. The connection must point to a software using {@link PServer} * as wrapper for the target {@link ServerSocket}. *
* This class provides a simple way to exchange data between client and server : *
  • Maintained connection with the server
  • *
  • Login with a password (send in the first packet)
  • *
  • Binary packet id
  • *
  • Binary data
  • *
  • Input stream in a separate Thread
  • * */ @Beta public class PSocket extends Thread implements Closeable { public static final int NETWORK_TCP_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024; public static final int NETWORK_TIMEOUT = 0; // no timeout (milli-seconds) private boolean server = false; private Socket socket; private final SocketAddress addr; private DataInputStream in; private DataOutputStream out; private final Object outSynchronizer = new Object(); private String password; private final AtomicBoolean isClosed = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final List> packetListeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); private final List connectionListeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); private final Map> answersCallbacks = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>()); private int nextSendId = 0; /** * Create a new PSocket that will connect to the specified SocketAddress. * @param a The target server to connect to * @param connName the name of the connection, used to name the Thread used to receive the packet. * @param pass the password to send to the server. */ public PSocket(SocketAddress a, String connName, String pass) { super("PSocket " + connName); setDaemon(true); if (a == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("les arguments ne peuvent pas ĂȘtre null"); addr = a; } /* package */ PSocket(Socket s, String connName, String pass) { this(s.getRemoteSocketAddress(), connName, pass); socket = s; server = true; } @Override public void run() { try { if (socket == null) { socket = new Socket(); socket.setReceiveBufferSize(NETWORK_TCP_BUFFER_SIZE); socket.setSendBufferSize(NETWORK_TCP_BUFFER_SIZE); socket.setSoTimeout(10000); // initial timeout before login socket.connect(addr); in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); out = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream())); } // password check if (server) { PPacket packet = readPacket(); if (packet == null || packet instanceof PPacketAnswer || !"login".equals( { send(PPacket.buildLoginBadPacket()); close(); return; } try { String receivedPassword = new ByteBuffer(packet.content).getString(); if (!Objects.equals(receivedPassword, password)) { send(PPacket.buildLoginBadPacket()); close(); return; } } catch(Exception e) { send(PPacket.buildLoginBadPacket()); close(); return; } send(PPacketAnswer.buildLoginOkPacket(packet)); // login ok at this point } else { send(PPacket.buildLoginPacket(password)); PPacket packet = readPacket(); if (packet == null) { Log.severe("bad packet received from server. Disconnecting."); close(); return; } if ("login_bad")) { Log.severe("Wrong password to connect to server. Disconnecting."); close(); return; } if (!"login_ok")) { Log.severe("Unexpected packet from server. Disconnecting."); close(); return; } // login ok at this point } password = null; socket.setSoTimeout(NETWORK_TIMEOUT); + " connected."); connectionListeners.forEach(l -> { try { l.onConnect(this); } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe("Exception while calling PSocketConnectionListener.onConnect().", e); } }); while (!socket.isClosed()) { PPacket packet = readPacket(); if (packet == null) { send(PPacket.buildBadFormatPacket("Bad format for the last packet received. Closing connection.")); break; } if (packet instanceof PPacketAnswer) { try { answersCallbacks.remove(((PPacketAnswer)packet).answer).onPacketReceive(this, (PPacketAnswer)packet); } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe("Exception while calling PPacketListener.onPacketReceive().", e); send(PPacketAnswer.buildExceptionPacket(packet, e.toString())); } } else { packetListeners.forEach(l -> { try { l.onPacketReceive(this, packet); } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe("Exception while calling PPacketListener.onPacketReceive().", e); sendSilently(PPacketAnswer.buildExceptionPacket(packet, e.toString())); } }); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe(e); } close(); } /** * Return the packet read in the socket, or null if the packet is in a bad format. * @return the packet * */ private PPacket readPacket() throws IOException { byte nSize = in.readByte(); if (nSize == 0) { return null; } boolean answer = nSize < 0; if (answer) nSize *= -1; byte[] nBytes = new byte[nSize]; in.readFully(nBytes); String name = new String(nBytes, ByteBuffer.NETWORK_CHARSET); int packetId = in.readInt(); int answerId = (answer) ? in.readInt() : -1; int cSize = in.readInt(); if (cSize < 0 || cSize > 0xFFFFFF) { // can't be more that 16 MiB return null; } byte[] content = new byte[cSize]; in.readFully(content); return answer ? new PPacketAnswer(name, packetId, answerId, content) : new PPacket(name, packetId, content); } /** * Send the provided packet, without waiting for an answer. */ public void send(PPacket packet) throws IOException { if (packet == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packet can't be null"); if ( == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" can't be null"); if (packet.content == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packet.content can't be null"); byte[] nameBytes =; if (nameBytes.length > 127) throw new IllegalArgumentException(" must take fewer than 128 bytes when converted to UTF-8"); byte nameSize = (byte)nameBytes.length; boolean answer = packet instanceof PPacketAnswer; if (answer) nameSize *= -1; synchronized (outSynchronizer) { int packetId = nextSendId++; = packetId; out.write(new byte[] {nameSize}); out.write(nameBytes); out.write(packetId); if (answer) out.write(((PPacketAnswer)packet).answer); out.write(packet.content.length); out.write(packet.content); out.flush(); } } public void sendSilently(PPacket packet) { try { send(packet); } catch (IOException ignored) {} } public void send(PPacket packet, PPacketListener answerCallback) throws IOException { synchronized (answersCallbacks) { /* * This synch block ensure that the callback will be put in the listeners Map before * we receve the answer (in case this is really really fast) */ send(packet); answersCallbacks.put(, answerCallback); } } public void addPacketListener(PPacketListener l) { packetListeners.add(l); } public boolean removePacketListener(PPacketListener l) { return packetListeners.remove(l); } public void addConnectionListener(PSocketConnectionListener l) { connectionListeners.add(l); } public void removeConnectionListener(PSocketConnectionListener l) { connectionListeners.remove(l); } @Override public void close() { try { synchronized (outSynchronizer) { if (isClosed.get()) return; + " closing..."); connectionListeners.forEach(l -> { try { l.onDisconnect(this); } catch (Exception e) { Log.severe("Exception while calling PSocketConnectionListener.onDisconnect().", e); } }); socket.close(); isClosed.set(true); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.warning(e); } } public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return addr; } public boolean isClosed() { return isClosed.get() || socket.isClosed(); } @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "{thread=" + getName() + ", socket=" + socket + "}"; } }