package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import net.kyori.adventure.text.TextComponent; import net.kyori.adventure.text.TranslatableComponent; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextDecoration; import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextDecoration.State; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; /** * Provides various methods and properties to manipulate text displayed in chat an other parts of the game. */ public class ChatUtil { /* * Note : this field is for easy listing of all characters with special sizes. It will all be reported to * #CHAR_SIZES on class initialization for optimization. */ private static final Map SIZE_CHARS_MAPPING = Map.ofEntries( Map.entry(-6, "§"), Map.entry(2, "!.,:;i|¡'"), Map.entry(3, "`lìí’‘"), Map.entry(4, " I[]tï×"), Map.entry(5, "\"()*<>fk{}"), Map.entry(7, "@~®©«»"), Map.entry(9, "├└") ); /** * The default text pixel width for a character in the default Minecraft font. * If a character has another width, it should be found in {@link #CHAR_SIZES}. */ public static final int DEFAULT_CHAR_SIZE = 6; /** * Mapping indicating the text pixel with for specific characters in the default Minecraft font. * If a character doesn’t have a mapping in this map, then its width is {@link #DEFAULT_CHAR_SIZE}. */ public static final Map CHAR_SIZES; static { Map charSizes = new HashMap<>(); for (var e : SIZE_CHARS_MAPPING.entrySet()) { int size = e.getKey(); for (char c : e.getValue().toCharArray()) { charSizes.put(c, size); } } CHAR_SIZES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(charSizes); } /** * The default width of the Minecraft Java Edition chat window, in text pixels. */ public static final int DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH = 320; /** * The width of a Minecraft sign, in text pixels. */ public static final int SIGN_WIDTH = 90; /** * The width of a Minecraft book content, in text pixels. */ public static final int BOOK_WIDTH = 116; /** * The width of a Minecraft server MOTD message, in text pixels. */ public static final int MOTD_WIDTH = 270; /** * The width of a Minecraft Bedrock Edition form button, in text pixels. */ public static final int BEDROCK_FORM_WIDE_BUTTON = 178; /** * The default number of character per lines for the console. */ public static final int CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT = 50; /** * Create a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable URL link. * It is equivalent to the HTML {@code } tag pointing to another page. * @param text the link text. * @param url the destination url. must starts with {@code http} or {@code https}. * @return a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable URL link. * @deprecated it uses String for displayed text. Use {@link Chat#clickableURL(Chat, String)} instead. */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2022-07-27") public static FormatableChat createURLLink(String text, String url) { return Chat.clickableURL(text == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(text), url); } /** * Create a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable URL link. * It is equivalent to the HTML {@code } tag pointing to another page. * @param text the link text. * @param url the destination url. must starts with {@code http} or {@code https}. * @param hoverText the text displayed when hovering the link. * @return a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable URL link. * @deprecated it uses String for displayed text. Use {@link Chat#clickableURL(Chat, String, Chat)} instead. */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2022-07-27") public static FormatableChat createURLLink(String text, String url, String hoverText) { return Chat.clickableURL(text == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(text), url, hoverText == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(hoverText)); } /** * Create a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command link. * When the players clicks on it, they will execute the command. * @param text the link text. * @param commandWithSlash the command to execute when clicked. * @param hoverText the text displayed when hovering the link. * @return a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command link. * @deprecated it uses String for displayed text. Use {@link Chat#clickableCommand(Chat, String, Chat)} instead. */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2022-07-27") public static FormatableChat createCommandLink(String text, String commandWithSlash, String hoverText) { return Chat.clickableCommand(text == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(text), commandWithSlash, hoverText == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(hoverText)); } /** * Create a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command link. * When the players clicks on it, they will execute the command. * @param text the link text. * @param commandWithSlash the command to execute when clicked. * @param hoverText the text displayed when hovering the link. * @return a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command link. * @deprecated it uses String for displayed text. Use {@link Chat#clickableCommand(Chat, String, Chat)} instead. */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2022-07-27") public static FormatableChat createCommandLink(String text, String commandWithSlash, Chat hoverText) { return Chat.clickableCommand(text == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(text), commandWithSlash, hoverText); } /** * Create a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command suggestion. * When the players clicks on it, they will execute the command. * @param inner the link text. * @param commandWithSlash the command to put in the chat box when clicked. * @param hover the text displayed when hovering the link. * @return a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command suggestion. * @deprecated it uses String for displayed text. Use {@link Chat#clickableSuggest(Chat, String, Chat)} instead. */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2022-07-27") public static FormatableChat createCommandSuggest(String inner, String commandWithSlash, String hover) { return Chat.clickableSuggest(inner == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(inner), commandWithSlash, hover == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(hover)); } /** * Create a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command suggestion. * When the players clicks on it, they will execute the command. * @param inner the link text. * @param commandWithSlash the command to put in the chat box when clicked. * @param hover the text displayed when hovering the link. * @return a {@link Chat} that is a cliquable command suggestion. * @deprecated it uses String for displayed text. Use {@link Chat#clickableSuggest(Chat, String, Chat)} instead. */ @Deprecated(forRemoval = true, since = "2022-07-27") public static FormatableChat createCommandSuggest(String inner, String commandWithSlash, Chat hover) { return Chat.clickableSuggest(inner == null ? null : Chat.legacyText(inner), commandWithSlash, hover); } /** * Create a page navigator with clickable page numbers for the chat. * @param prefix the text to put before the * @param cmdFormat the command with %d inside to be replaced with the page number (must start with slash) * @param currentPage the current page number (it is highlighted, and the pages around are displayed, according to * {@code nbPagesToDisplay}). * @param nbPages the number of pages. * @param nbPagesToDisplay the number of pages to display around the first page, the last page and the * {@code currentPage}. * @return a {@link Chat} containging the created page navigator. */ public static Chat createPagination(String prefix, String cmdFormat, int currentPage, int nbPages, int nbPagesToDisplay) { Set pagesToDisplay = new TreeSet<>(); for (int i = 0; i < nbPagesToDisplay && i < nbPages && nbPages - i > 0; i++) { pagesToDisplay.add(i + 1); pagesToDisplay.add(nbPages - i); } for (int i = currentPage - nbPagesToDisplay + 1; i < currentPage + nbPagesToDisplay; i++) { if (i > 0 && i <= nbPages) pagesToDisplay.add(i); } Chat d =; boolean first = true; int previous = 0; for (int page : pagesToDisplay) { if (!first) { if (page == previous + 1) { d.thenText(" "); } else { if (cmdFormat.endsWith("%d")) { d.thenText(" "); d.then(Chat.clickableSuggest(Chat.text("..."), cmdFormat.substring(0, cmdFormat.length() - 2), Chat.text("Choisir la page"))); d.thenText(" "); } else d.thenText(" ... "); } } else first = false; FormatableChat pDisp = Chat.clickableCommand(Chat.text(page), String.format(cmdFormat, page), Chat.text("Aller à la page " + page)); if (page == currentPage) { pDisp.highlightedCommandColor(); } d.then(pDisp); previous = page; } return d; } /** * @param decorationColor support null values */ public static Chat centerText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, boolean console) { return centerText(text, repeatedChar, decorationColor, console, console ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH); } public static Chat centerText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, boolean console, int maxWidth) { return centerText(text, repeatedChar, decorationColor, false, console, maxWidth); } /** * @param decorationColor support null values */ public static Chat centerText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, boolean decorationBold, boolean console, int maxWidth) { int textWidth = componentWidth(text.getAdv(), console); if (textWidth > maxWidth) return text; int repeatedCharWidth = charW(repeatedChar, console, decorationBold); int sideWidth = (maxWidth - textWidth) / 2; int sideNbChar = sideWidth / repeatedCharWidth; if (sideNbChar == 0) return text; String sideChars = repeatedChar(repeatedChar, sideNbChar); FormatableChat side = ChatStatic.text(sideChars).color(decorationColor); if (decorationBold) side.bold(); Chat d = .then(side) .then(text); if (repeatedChar != ' ') d.then(side); return d; } public static Chat leftText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, int nbLeft, boolean console) { return leftText(text, repeatedChar, decorationColor, nbLeft, console, console ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH); } public static Chat leftText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, int nbLeft, boolean console, int maxWidth) { int textWidth = componentWidth(text.getAdv(), console); int repeatedCharWidth = charW(repeatedChar, console, false); int leftWidth = nbLeft * repeatedCharWidth; if (textWidth + leftWidth > maxWidth) return text; int rightNbChar = (maxWidth - (textWidth + leftWidth)) / repeatedCharWidth; Chat d = .then(ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(repeatedChar, nbLeft)).color(decorationColor)) .then(text); if (repeatedChar != ' ') { d.then(ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(repeatedChar, rightNbChar)).color(decorationColor)); } return d; } public static Chat rightText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, int nbRight, boolean console) { return rightText(text, repeatedChar, decorationColor, nbRight, console, console ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH); } public static Chat rightText(Chat text, char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, int nbRight, boolean console, int maxWidth) { int textWidth = componentWidth(text.getAdv(), console); int repeatedCharWidth = charW(repeatedChar, console, false); int rightWidth = nbRight * repeatedCharWidth; if (textWidth + rightWidth > maxWidth) return text; int leftNbChar = (maxWidth - (textWidth + rightWidth)) / repeatedCharWidth; Chat d = .then(ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(repeatedChar, leftNbChar)).color(decorationColor)) .then(text); if (repeatedChar != ' ') { d.then(ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(repeatedChar, nbRight)).color(decorationColor)); } return d; } public static Chat emptyLine(char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, boolean console) { return emptyLine(repeatedChar, decorationColor, false, console); } public static Chat emptyLine(char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, boolean decorationBold, boolean console) { return emptyLine(repeatedChar, decorationColor, decorationBold, console, (console) ? CONSOLE_NB_CHAR_DEFAULT : DEFAULT_CHAT_WIDTH); } public static Chat emptyLine(char repeatedChar, TextColor decorationColor, boolean decorationBold, boolean console, int maxWidth) { int count = maxWidth / charW(repeatedChar, console, decorationBold); FormatableChat line = ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(repeatedChar, count)).color(decorationColor); if (decorationBold) line.bold(); return line; } private static String repeatedChar(char repeatedChar, int count) { char[] c = new char[count]; Arrays.fill(c, repeatedChar); return new String(c); } public static int componentWidth(Component component, boolean console) { return componentWidth(component, console, false); } public static int componentWidth(Component component, boolean console, boolean parentBold) { if (component == null) return 0; int count = 0; State currentBold =; boolean actuallyBold = childBold(parentBold, currentBold); if (component instanceof TextComponent) { count += strWidth(((TextComponent)component).content(), console, actuallyBold); } else if (component instanceof TranslatableComponent) { for (Component c : ((TranslatableComponent)component).args()) count += componentWidth(c, console, actuallyBold); } for (Component c : component.children()) count += componentWidth(c, console, actuallyBold); return count; } private static boolean childBold(boolean parent, TextDecoration.State child) { return (parent && child != State.FALSE) || (!parent && child == State.TRUE); } public static int strWidth(String str, boolean console, boolean bold) { int count = 0; for (char c : str.toCharArray()) count += charW(c, console, bold); return Math.max(count, 0); } public static int charW(char c, boolean console, boolean bold) { if (console) return (c == '§') ? -1 : 1; return CHAR_SIZES.getOrDefault(c, DEFAULT_CHAR_SIZE); } public static List wrapInLimitedPixelsToChat(String legacyText, int pixelWidth) { return wrapInLimitedPixels(legacyText, pixelWidth).stream() .map(ChatStatic::legacyText) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static List wrapInLimitedPixels(String legacyText, int pixelWidth) { List lines = new ArrayList<>(); legacyText += "\n"; // workaround to force algorithm to compute last lines; String currentLine = ""; int currentLineSize = 0; int index = 0; StringBuilder currentWord = new StringBuilder(); int currentWordSize = 0; boolean bold = false; boolean firstCharCurrentWordBold = false; do { char c = legacyText.charAt(index); if (c == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR && index < legacyText.length() - 1) { currentWord.append(c); c = legacyText.charAt(++index); currentWord.append(c); if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') // bold bold = true; if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') // reset bold || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || c == 'r' || c == 'R' || c == 'x' || c == 'X') bold = false; } else if (c == ' ') { if (currentLineSize + currentWordSize > pixelWidth && currentLineSize > 0) { // wrap before word lines.add(currentLine); String lastStyle = ChatColorUtil.getLastColors(currentLine); if (currentWord.charAt(0) == ' ') { currentWord = new StringBuilder(currentWord.substring(1)); currentWordSize -= charW(' ', false, firstCharCurrentWordBold); } currentLine = (lastStyle.equals("§r") ? "" : lastStyle) + currentWord; currentLineSize = currentWordSize; } else { currentLine += currentWord; currentLineSize += currentWordSize; } currentWord = new StringBuilder("" + c); currentWordSize = charW(c, false, bold); firstCharCurrentWordBold = bold; } else if (c == '\n') { if (currentLineSize + currentWordSize > pixelWidth && currentLineSize > 0) { // wrap before word lines.add(currentLine); String lastStyle = ChatColorUtil.getLastColors(currentLine); if (currentWord.charAt(0) == ' ') { currentWord = new StringBuilder(currentWord.substring(1)); } currentLine = (lastStyle.equals("§r") ? "" : lastStyle) + currentWord; } else { currentLine += currentWord; } // wrap after lines.add(currentLine); String lastStyle = ChatColorUtil.getLastColors(currentLine); currentLine = lastStyle.equals("§r") ? "" : lastStyle; currentLineSize = 0; currentWord = new StringBuilder(); currentWordSize = 0; firstCharCurrentWordBold = bold; } else { currentWord.append(c); currentWordSize += charW(c, false, bold); } } while(++index < legacyText.length()); return lines; } public static List renderTable(List> rows, String space, boolean console) { List> compRows = new ArrayList<>(rows.size()); for (List row : rows) { List compRow = new ArrayList<>(row.size()); for (Chat c : row) { compRow.add(c.getAdv()); } compRows.add(compRow); } return renderTableComp(compRows, space, console); } public static List renderTableComp(List> rows, String space, boolean console) { // determine columns width List nbPixelPerColumn = new ArrayList<>(); for (List row : rows) { for (int i = 0; i < row.size(); i++) { int w = componentWidth(row.get(i), console); if (nbPixelPerColumn.size() <= i) nbPixelPerColumn.add(w); else if (nbPixelPerColumn.get(i) < w) nbPixelPerColumn.set(i, w); } } // create the lines with appropriate spacing List spacedRows = new ArrayList<>(rows.size()); for (List row : rows) { Chat spacedRow =; for (int i = 0; i < row.size() - 1; i++) { int w = componentWidth(row.get(i), console); int padding = nbPixelPerColumn.get(i) - w; spacedRow.then(row.get(i)); spacedRow.then(customWidthSpace(padding, console)); spacedRow.thenText(space); } if (!row.isEmpty()) spacedRow.then(row.get(row.size() - 1)); spacedRows.add(spacedRow.getAdv()); } return spacedRows; } public static Component customWidthSpace(int width, boolean console) { if (console) return Chat.text(" ".repeat(width)).getAdv(); return switch (width) { case 0, 1 -> Component.empty(); case 2 -> Chat.text(".").black().getAdv(); case 3 -> Chat.text("`").black().getAdv(); case 6 -> Chat.text(". ").black().getAdv(); case 7 -> Chat.text("` ").black().getAdv(); case 11 -> Chat.text("` ").black().getAdv(); default -> { int nbSpace = width / 4; int nbBold = width % 4; int nbNotBold = nbSpace - nbBold; if (nbNotBold > 0) { if (nbBold > 0) { yield Chat.text(" ".repeat(nbNotBold)).bold(false) .then(Chat.text(" ".repeat(nbBold)).bold(true)) .getAdv(); } else yield Chat.text(" ".repeat(nbNotBold)).bold(false).getAdv(); } else if (nbBold > 0) { yield Chat.text(" ".repeat(nbBold)).bold(true).getAdv(); } throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be here (width=" + width + "; nbSpace=" + nbSpace + "; nbBold=" + nbBold + "; nbNotBold=" + nbNotBold + ")"); } }; // "." is 2 px // "`" is 3 px // " " is 4 px // 0 "" // 1 "" // 2 "." // 3 "`" // 4 " " // 5 "§l " // 6 ". " // 7 "` " // 8 " " // 9 " §l " // 10 "§l " // 11 "` " // 12 " " } private static final String PROGRESS_BAR_START = "["; private static final String PROGRESS_BAR_END = "]"; private static final TextColor PROGRESS_BAR_EMPTY_COLOR = NamedTextColor.DARK_GRAY; private static final char PROGRESS_BAR_EMPTY_CHAR = '.'; private static final char PROGRESS_BAR_FULL_CHAR = '|'; public static Chat progressBar(double[] values, TextColor[] colors, double total, int pixelWidth, boolean console) { // 1. Compute char size for each values int progressPixelWidth = pixelWidth - strWidth(PROGRESS_BAR_START + PROGRESS_BAR_END, console, false); int charPixelWidth = charW(PROGRESS_BAR_EMPTY_CHAR, console, false); assert charPixelWidth == charW(PROGRESS_BAR_FULL_CHAR, console, false) : "PROGRESS_BAR_EMPTY_CHAR and PROGRESS_BAR_FULL_CHAR should have the same pixel width according to #charW(...)"; int progressCharWidth = progressPixelWidth / charPixelWidth; int[] sizes = new int[values.length]; double sumValuesBefore = 0; int sumSizesBefore = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { sumValuesBefore += values[i]; int charPosition = Math.min((int) Math.round(progressCharWidth * sumValuesBefore / total), progressCharWidth); sizes[i] = charPosition - sumSizesBefore; sumSizesBefore += sizes[i]; } // 2. Generate rendered text Chat c = ChatStatic.text(PROGRESS_BAR_START); int sumSizes = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sizes.length; i++) { sumSizes += sizes[i]; FormatableChat subC = ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(PROGRESS_BAR_FULL_CHAR, sizes[i])); if (colors != null && i < colors.length && colors[i] != null) subC.color(colors[i]); c.then(subC); } return c .then(ChatStatic.text(repeatedChar(PROGRESS_BAR_EMPTY_CHAR, progressCharWidth - sumSizes)) .color(PROGRESS_BAR_EMPTY_COLOR)) .thenText(PROGRESS_BAR_END); } public static Chat progressBar(double value, TextColor color, double total, int pixelWidth, boolean console) { return progressBar(new double[] { value }, new TextColor[] { color }, total, pixelWidth, console); } public static String truncatePrefix(String prefix, int maxLength) { if (prefix.length() > maxLength) { String lastColor = ChatColorUtil.getLastColors(prefix); prefix = truncateAtLengthWithoutReset(prefix, maxLength); if (!ChatColorUtil.getLastColors(prefix).equals(lastColor)) prefix = truncateAtLengthWithoutReset(prefix, maxLength - lastColor.length()) + lastColor; } return prefix; } public static String truncateAtLengthWithoutReset(String prefix, int l) { if (prefix.length() > l) { prefix = prefix.substring(0, l); if (prefix.endsWith("§")) prefix = prefix.substring(0, prefix.length()-1); } return prefix; } private static final String TREE_MIDDLE_CONNECTED = "├"; private static final String TREE_END_CONNECTED = "└"; private static final String TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN = "│§0`§r"; private static final String TREE_END_OPEN = "§0```§r"; private static final String TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN_CONSOLE = "│"; private static final String TREE_END_OPEN_CONSOLE = " "; // nbsp /** * Generate a tree view based on the tree structure {@code node}. * * Each element in the returned list represent 1 line of the tree view. * Thus, the caller may send each line separately or at once depending of the quantity of data. * @return A array of component, each element being a single line. */ public static List treeView(DisplayTreeNode node, boolean console) { List ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.add( .then(node.component)); for (int i = 0; i < node.children.size(); i++) { List childComponents = treeView(node.children.get(i), console); boolean last = i == node.children.size() - 1; for (int j = 0; j < childComponents.size(); j++) { String prefix = last ? (j == 0 ? TREE_END_CONNECTED : (console ? TREE_END_OPEN_CONSOLE : TREE_END_OPEN)) : (j == 0 ? TREE_MIDDLE_CONNECTED : (console ? TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN_CONSOLE : TREE_MIDDLE_OPEN)); ret.add(ChatStatic.text(prefix) .then(childComponents.get(j))); } } return ret; } public static class DisplayTreeNode { public final Chat component; public final List children = new ArrayList<>(); public DisplayTreeNode(Chat cmp) { component = cmp; } public DisplayTreeNode addChild(DisplayTreeNode child) { children.add(child); return this; } } }