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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor;
* A custom gradient with at least 2 colors in it.
public class ChatColorGradient {
private record GradientColor(float location, TextColor color) { }
private final List<GradientColor> colors = new ArrayList<>();
* Put a specific color at a specific location in the gradient.
* @param gradientLocation the location in the gradient.
* @param gradientColor the color to put at this location.
* @return this.
public synchronized ChatColorGradient add(float gradientLocation, TextColor gradientColor) {
colors.add(new GradientColor(gradientLocation, gradientColor));
return this;
* Compute a color by interpolating between the 2 colors surrounding the provided location.
* @param gradientLocation the location at which to pick the gradient color.
* @return the computed color.
public synchronized TextColor pickColorAt(float gradientLocation) {
if (colors.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Must define at least one color in this ChatValueGradient instance.");
if (colors.size() == 1)
return colors.get(0).color();
colors.sort((p1, p2) ->, p2.location()));
if (gradientLocation <= colors.get(0).location())
return colors.get(0).color();
if (gradientLocation >= colors.get(colors.size() - 1).location())
return colors.get(colors.size() - 1).color();
int p1 = 1;
for (; p1 < colors.size(); p1++) {
if (colors.get(p1).location() >= gradientLocation)
int p0 = p1 - 1;
float v0 = colors.get(p0).location(), v1 = colors.get(p1).location();
TextColor cc0 = colors.get(p0).color(), cc1 = colors.get(p1).color();
return ChatColorUtil.interpolateColor(v0, v1, gradientLocation, cc0, cc1);