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package fr.pandacube.lib.paper.util;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
* Utility class around chat coloring.
public class BukkitChatColorUtil {
* Returns the {@link TextColor} that is visually the closest from the provided {@link DyeColor} when used on a sign.
* @param dye the provided dye color
* @return the closest chat color from {@code dye}
public static TextColor fromDyeToSignColor(DyeColor dye) {
// following code invalid due to text color on sign does not use rgb value of dye color.
//org.bukkit.Color col = dye.getColor();
//return ChatColor.of(new Color(col.asRGB()));
// the color values are extracted from IG screenshot of dyed text signs.
return switch (dye) {
case BLACK -> TextColor.fromHexString("#000000");
case RED -> TextColor.fromHexString("#650000");
case GREEN -> TextColor.fromHexString("#006500");
case BROWN -> TextColor.fromHexString("#361B07");
case BLUE -> TextColor.fromHexString("#000065");
case PURPLE -> TextColor.fromHexString("#3F0C5F");
case CYAN -> TextColor.fromHexString("#006565");
case LIGHT_GRAY -> TextColor.fromHexString("#535353");
case GRAY -> TextColor.fromHexString("#323232");
case PINK -> TextColor.fromHexString("#652947");
case LIME -> TextColor.fromHexString("#4B6500");
case YELLOW -> TextColor.fromHexString("#656500");
case LIGHT_BLUE -> TextColor.fromHexString("#3C4B51");
case MAGENTA -> TextColor.fromHexString("#650065");
case ORANGE -> TextColor.fromHexString("#65280C");
case WHITE -> TextColor.fromHexString("#656565");
public static ChatColor toBukkit(net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor color) {
return ChatColor.valueOf(color.getName().toUpperCase());
public static ChatColor toBukkit(TextColor color) {
return toBukkit(NamedTextColor.nearestTo(color));
public static ChatColor toBukkit(NamedTextColor color) {
return ChatColor.valueOf(color.toString().toUpperCase());
public static NamedTextColor toAdventure(ChatColor color) {
return NamedTextColor.NAMES.value(;
public static NamedTextColor toAdventure(net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor color) {
return NamedTextColor.NAMES.value(color.getName());