
377 lines
13 KiB

package fr.pandacube.lib.core.players;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.ComponentLike;
import fr.pandacube.lib.db.DB;
import fr.pandacube.lib.db.DBInitTableException;
import fr.pandacube.lib.util.Log;
public abstract class IPlayerManager<OP extends IOnlinePlayer, OF extends IOffPlayer> {
private static IPlayerManager<?, ?> instance;
public static synchronized IPlayerManager<?, ?> getInstance() {
if (instance == null) {
try {
new StandalonePlayerManager(); // will set the instance value itself (see IPlayerManager constructor)
} catch (DBInitTableException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return instance;
private static synchronized void setInstance(IPlayerManager<?, ?> newInstance) {
if (instance != null && !(instance instanceof StandalonePlayerManager)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("only one instance of playerManager is possible");
instance = newInstance;
private final Map<UUID, OP> onlinePlayers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<>());
private final LoadingCache<UUID, OF> offlinePlayers = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
public IPlayerManager() throws DBInitTableException {
protected void addPlayer(OP p) {
onlinePlayers.put(p.getUniqueId(), p);
protected OP removePlayer(UUID p) {
return onlinePlayers.remove(p);
public OP get(UUID p) {
return onlinePlayers.get(p);
public boolean isOnline(UUID p) {
return onlinePlayers.containsKey(p);
public int getPlayerCount() {
return onlinePlayers.size();
public List<OP> getAll() {
return new ArrayList<>(onlinePlayers.values());
public List<OP> getAllNotVanished() {
List<OP> players = getAll();
return players;
public OF getOffline(UUID p) {
if (p == null)
return null;
OP online = get(p);
if (online != null) {
OF ret = (OF) online;
return ret;
// if not online
try {
return offlinePlayers.get(p); // load and cache new instance if necessary
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.severe("Cannot cache Offline player instance", e);
return newOffPlayerInstance(p);
public List<OP> getOnlyVisibleFor(OF viewer) {
List<OP> players = getAll();
if (viewer != null)
players.removeIf(op -> op.isVanishedFor(viewer));
return players;
public List<OP> getOnlyVisibleFor(OP viewer, boolean sameServerOnly) {
if (sameServerOnly && (viewer == null || viewer.getServerName() == null))
return Collections.emptyList();
List<OP> players = getOnlyVisibleFor((OF)viewer);
if (sameServerOnly)
players.removeIf(op -> !viewer.getServerName().equals(op.getServerName()));
return players;
public List<String> getNamesOnlyVisibleFor(OP viewer, boolean sameServerOnly) {
return getOnlyVisibleFor(viewer, sameServerOnly).stream()
public List<String> getNamesOnlyVisibleFor(UUID viewer, boolean sameServerOnly) {
return getNamesOnlyVisibleFor(get(viewer), sameServerOnly);
protected abstract OF newOffPlayerInstance(UUID p);
protected abstract void sendMessageToConsole(Component message);
public static BaseComponent prefixedAndColored(BaseComponent message) {
return prefixedAndColored(Chat.chatComponent(message)).get();
public static Component prefixedAndColored(Component message) {
return prefixedAndColored(Chat.chatComponent(message)).getAdv();
public static Chat prefixedAndColored(Chat message) {
* Message broadcasting
// ComponentLike message
// boolean prefix
// boolean console = (permission == null)
// String permission = null
// UUID sourcePlayer = null
* Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param console if the message must be displayed in the console.
* @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission.
* @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message.
* If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message.
* If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent
* to players ignoring the provided player.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, String permission, UUID sourcePlayer) {
Objects.requireNonNull(message, "message cannot be null");
IOffPlayer oSourcePlayer = getInstance().getOffline(sourcePlayer);
if (prefix)
message = prefixedAndColored(message.asComponent());
for (IOnlinePlayer op : getInstance().getAll()) {
if (permission != null && !(op.hasPermission(permission))) continue;
if (sourcePlayer != null && op.isIgnoring(oSourcePlayer))
if (sourcePlayer != null) {
if (op.canIgnore(oSourcePlayer)) {
op.sendMessage(message, sourcePlayer); // CHAT message with UUID
else {
op.sendMessage(message, new UUID(0, 0)); // CHAT message without UUID
op.sendMessage(message); // SYSTEM message
if (console)
* Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console.
* <p>
* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String, UUID)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param console if the message must be displayed in the console.
* @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, String permission) {
broadcast(message, prefix, console, permission, null);
* Broadcast a message to all players, and eventually to the console.
* <p>
* This method does not restrict the reception of the message to a specific permission. If you
* want to specify a permission, use {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String, UUID)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param console if the message must be displayed in the console.
* @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message.
* If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message.
* If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent
* to players ignoring the provided player.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console, UUID sourcePlayer) {
broadcast(message, prefix, console, null, sourcePlayer);
* Broadcast a message to all players, and eventually to the console.
* <p>
* This method does not restrict the reception of the message to a specific permission. If you
* want to specify a permission, use {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String)}.
* <p>
* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, UUID)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param console if the message must be displayed in the console.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, boolean console) {
broadcast(message, prefix, console, null, null);
* Broadcast a message to some or all players, and eventually to the console.
* <p>
* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, String, UUID)}.
* <p>
* This method decides to send the message to the console depending on whether {@code permission}
* is null (will send to console) or not (will not send to console). To specify this behaviour, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission (but not to console).
* If null, the message will be sent to all players and to console.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, String permission) {
broadcast(message, prefix, (permission == null), permission, null);
* Broadcast a message to all players, and to the console.
* <p>
* This method does not restrict the reception of the message to a specific permission. If you
* want to specify a permission, use {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, String, UUID)}.
* <p>
* This method sends the message to the console. To change this behaviour, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, UUID)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message.
* If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message.
* If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent
* to players ignoring the provided player.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, UUID sourcePlayer) {
broadcast(message, prefix, true, null, sourcePlayer);
* Broadcast a message to all players, and to the console.
* <p>
* This method sends the message to the console. To change this behaviour, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean, String, UUID)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @param permission if not null, the message is only sent to player with this permission (but not to console).
* If null, the message will be sent to all players and to console.
* @param sourcePlayer specifiy the eventual player that is the source of the message.
* If null, the message will be sent as a SYSTEM chat message.
* If not null, the message will be sent as a CHAT message, and will not be sent
* to players ignoring the provided player.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix, String permission, UUID sourcePlayer) {
broadcast(message, prefix, true, permission, sourcePlayer);
* Broadcast a message to all players, and to the console.
* <p>
* This method assumes this message is not caused by a specific player. To specify the source player, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, UUID)}.
* <p>
* This method does not restrict the reception of the message to a specific permission. If you
* want to specify a permission, use {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, String)}.
* <p>
* This method sends the message to the console. To change this behaviour, use
* {@link #broadcast(ComponentLike, boolean, boolean)}.
* @param message the message to send.
* @param prefix if the server prefix will be prepended to the message.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if message is null.
public static void broadcast(ComponentLike message, boolean prefix) {
broadcast(message, prefix, true, null, null);