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package fr.pandacube.lib.db;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import fr.pandacube.lib.util.Log;
* Static class to handle most of the database operations.
* To use this database library, first call {@link #init(DBConnection, String)} with an appropriate {@link DBConnection},
* then you can initialize every table you need for your application, using {@link #initTable(Class)}.
* @author Marc Baloup
public final class DB {
private static final List<Class<? extends SQLElement<?>>> tables = new ArrayList<>();
private static final Map<Class<? extends SQLElement<?>>, String> tableNames = new HashMap<>();
private static DBConnection connection;
/* package */ static String tablePrefix = "";
public static DBConnection getConnection() {
return connection;
public synchronized static void init(DBConnection conn, String tablePrefix) {
connection = conn;
DB.tablePrefix = Objects.requireNonNull(tablePrefix);
public static synchronized <E extends SQLElement<E>> void initTable(Class<E> elemClass) throws DBInitTableException {
if (connection == null) {
throw new DBInitTableException(elemClass, "Database connection is not yet initialized.");
if (tables.contains(elemClass)) return;
try {
Log.debug("[DB] Start Init SQL table "+elemClass.getSimpleName());
E instance = elemClass.getConstructor().newInstance();
String tableName = tablePrefix + instance.tableName();
tableNames.put(elemClass, tableName);
if (!tableExistInDB(tableName)) createTable(instance);
Log.debug("[DB] End init SQL table "+elemClass.getSimpleName());
} catch (Exception|ExceptionInInitializerError e) {
throw new DBInitTableException(elemClass, e);
private static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void createTable(E elem) throws SQLException {
String tableName = tablePrefix + elem.tableName();
StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tableName + " (");
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<SQLField<E, ?>> tableFields = elem.getFields().values();
boolean first = true;
for (SQLField<E, ?> f : tableFields) {
ParameterizedSQLString statementPart = f.forSQLPreparedStatement();
if (!first)
sql.append(", ");
first = false;
sql.append(", PRIMARY KEY id(id))");
try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.getNativeConnection().prepareStatement(sql.toString())) {
int i = 1;
for (Object val : params)
ps.setObject(i++, val);"Creating table " + elem.tableName() + ":\n" + ps.toString());
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> String getTableName(Class<E> elemClass) throws DBException {
return tableNames.get(elemClass);
private static boolean tableExistInDB(String tableName) throws SQLException {
try (ResultSet set = connection.getNativeConnection().getMetaData().getTables(null, null, tableName, null)) {
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLField<E, Integer> getSQLIdField(Class<E> elemClass)
throws DBInitTableException {
return (SQLField<E, Integer>) SQLElement.fieldsCache.get(elemClass).get("id");
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getByIds(Class<E> elemClass, Integer... ids) throws DBException {
return getByIds(elemClass, Arrays.asList(ids));
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getByIds(Class<E> elemClass, Collection<Integer> ids)
throws DBException {
return getAll(elemClass, getSQLIdField(elemClass).in(ids), SQLOrderBy.asc(getSQLIdField(elemClass)), 1, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> E getById(Class<E> elemClass, int id) throws DBException {
return getFirst(elemClass, getSQLIdField(elemClass).eq(id));
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> E getFirst(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where)
throws DBException {
return getFirst(elemClass, where, null, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> E getFirst(Class<E> elemClass, SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy)
throws DBException {
return getFirst(elemClass, null, orderBy, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> E getFirst(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where, SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy)
throws DBException {
return getFirst(elemClass, where, orderBy, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> E getFirst(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where, SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy, Integer offset)
throws DBException {
SQLElementList<E> elts = getAll(elemClass, where, orderBy, 1, offset);
return (elts.size() == 0) ? null : elts.get(0);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getAll(Class<E> elemClass) throws DBException {
return getAll(elemClass, null, null, null, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getAll(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where) throws DBException {
return getAll(elemClass, where, null, null, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getAll(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy) throws DBException {
return getAll(elemClass, where, orderBy, null, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getAll(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy, Integer limit) throws DBException {
return getAll(elemClass, where, orderBy, limit, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLElementList<E> getAll(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy, Integer limit, Integer offset) throws DBException {
SQLElementList<E> elmts = new SQLElementList<>();
forEach(elemClass, where, orderBy, limit, offset, elmts::add);
return elmts;
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void forEach(Class<E> elemClass, Consumer<E> action) throws DBException {
forEach(elemClass, null, null, null, null, action);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void forEach(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
Consumer<E> action) throws DBException {
forEach(elemClass, where, null, null, null, action);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void forEach(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy, Consumer<E> action) throws DBException {
forEach(elemClass, where, orderBy, null, null, action);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void forEach(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy, Integer limit, Consumer<E> action) throws DBException {
forEach(elemClass, where, orderBy, limit, null, action);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void forEach(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where,
SQLOrderBy<E> orderBy, Integer limit, Integer offset, Consumer<E> action) throws DBException {
try {
String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + getTableName(elemClass);
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
if (where != null) {
ParameterizedSQLString ret = where.toSQL();
sql += " WHERE " + ret.sqlString();
if (orderBy != null) sql += " ORDER BY " + orderBy.toSQL();
if (limit != null) sql += " LIMIT " + limit;
if (offset != null) sql += " OFFSET " + offset;
sql += ";";
try (ResultSet set = customQueryStatement(sql, params)) {
while ( {
E elm = getElementInstance(set, elemClass);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> long count(Class<E> elemClass) throws DBException {
return count(elemClass, null);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> long count(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where) throws DBException {
try {
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " + getTableName(elemClass);
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();
if (where != null) {
ParameterizedSQLString ret = where.toSQL();
sql += " WHERE " + ret.sqlString();
sql += ";";
try (ResultSet set = customQueryStatement(sql, params)) {
if ( {
return set.getLong(1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
throw new DBException("Cant retrieve element count from database (The ResultSet may be empty)");
public static ResultSet customQueryStatement(String sql, List<Object> params) throws DBException {
try {
PreparedStatement ps = connection.getNativeConnection().prepareStatement(sql);
int i = 1;
for (Object val : params) {
if (val instanceof Enum<?>) val = ((Enum<?>) val).name();
ps.setObject(i++, val);
ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
return rs;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> SQLUpdate<E> update(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where) {
return new SQLUpdate<>(elemClass, where);
/* package */ static <E extends SQLElement<E>> int update(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where, Map<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> values) throws DBException {
return new SQLUpdate<>(elemClass, where, values).execute();
* Delete the elements of the table represented by {@code elemClass} which meet the condition {@code where}.
* @param elemClass the SQLElement representing the table.
* @param where the condition to meet for an element to be deleted from the table. If null, the table is truncated using {@link #truncateTable(Class)}.
* @return The return value of {@link PreparedStatement#executeUpdate()}, for an SQL query {@code DELETE}.
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> int delete(Class<E> elemClass, SQLWhere<E> where) throws DBException {
if (where == null) {
return truncateTable(elemClass);
ParameterizedSQLString whereData = where.toSQL();
String sql = "DELETE FROM " + getTableName(elemClass)
+ " WHERE " + whereData.sqlString()
+ ";";
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>(whereData.parameters());
return customUpdateStatement(sql, params);
public static int customUpdateStatement(String sql, List<Object> params) throws DBException {
try (PreparedStatement ps = connection.getNativeConnection().prepareStatement(sql)) {
int i = 1;
for (Object val : params) {
if (val instanceof Enum<?>) val = ((Enum<?>) val).name();
ps.setObject(i++, val);
return ps.executeUpdate();
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
public static <E extends SQLElement<E>> int truncateTable(Class<E> elemClass) throws DBException {
try (Statement stmt = connection.getNativeConnection().createStatement()) {
return stmt.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE `" + getTableName(elemClass) + "`");
} catch(SQLException e) {
throw new DBException(e);
private static <E extends SQLElement<E>> E getElementInstance(ResultSet set, Class<E> elemClass) throws DBException {
try {
E instance = elemClass.getConstructor(int.class).newInstance(set.getInt("id"));
int fieldCount = set.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
for (int c = 1; c <= fieldCount; c++) {
String fieldName = set.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(c);
// ignore when field is present in database but not handled by SQLElement instance
if (!instance.getFields().containsKey(fieldName)) continue;
SQLField<E, Object> sqlField = (SQLField<E, Object>) instance.getFields().get(fieldName);
boolean customType = sqlField.type instanceof SQLCustomType;
Object val = set.getObject(c,
(Class<?>)(customType ? ((SQLCustomType<?, ?>)sqlField.type).intermediateJavaType
: sqlField.type.getJavaType()));
if (val == null || set.wasNull()) {
instance.set(sqlField, null, false);
else {
if (customType) {
try {
val = ((SQLCustomType<Object, Object>)sqlField.type).dbToJavaConv.apply(val);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new DBException("Error while converting value of field '"+sqlField.getName()+"' with SQLCustomType from "+((SQLCustomType<Object, Object>)sqlField.type).intermediateJavaType
+"(jdbc source) to "+sqlField.type.getJavaType()+"(java destination). The original value is '"+ val +"'", e);
instance.set(sqlField, val, false);
// la valeur venant de la BDD est marqué comme "non modifié"
// dans l'instance car le constructeur de l'instance met
// tout les champs comme modifiés
if (!instance.isValidForSave()) throw new DBException(
"This SQLElement representing a database entry is not valid for save : " + instance);
return instance;
} catch (ReflectiveOperationException | IllegalArgumentException | SecurityException | SQLException e) {
throw new DBException("Can't instanciate " + elemClass.getName(), e);
private DB() {}