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package fr.pandacube.lib.paper.commands;
import com.destroystokyo.paper.brigadier.BukkitBrigadierCommandSource;
import com.mojang.brigadier.CommandDispatcher;
import com.mojang.brigadier.arguments.ArgumentType;
import com.mojang.brigadier.context.CommandContext;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
import com.mojang.brigadier.suggestion.SuggestionProvider;
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.CommandNode;
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.LiteralCommandNode;
import com.mojang.brigadier.tree.RootCommandNode;
import fr.pandacube.lib.commands.BrigadierCommand;
import fr.pandacube.lib.commands.SuggestionsSupplier;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.permissions.PandalibPaperPermissions;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.craftbukkit.CraftServer;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.craftbukkit.CraftVector;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.craftbukkit.VanillaCommandWrapper;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.BlockPosArgument;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.Commands;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.ComponentArgument;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.Coordinates;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.EntityArgument;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.EntitySelector;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.commands.Vec3Argument;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.core.BlockPos;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.minecraft.server.ServerPlayer;
import fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.paper.PaperAdventure;
import fr.pandacube.lib.reflect.wrapper.ReflectWrapper;
import fr.pandacube.lib.util.Log;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.Command;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandMap;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender;
import org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand;
import org.bukkit.command.defaults.BukkitCommand;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerCommandSendEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.server.ServerLoadEvent;
import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin;
import org.bukkit.util.BlockVector;
import org.bukkit.util.Vector;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
* Abstract class to hold a command to be integrated into a Paper server vanilla command dispatcher.
public abstract class PaperBrigadierCommand extends BrigadierCommand<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> implements Listener {
private static final Commands vanillaCommandDispatcher;
private static final CommandDispatcher<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> nmsDispatcher;
static {
vanillaCommandDispatcher = ReflectWrapper.wrapTyped(Bukkit.getServer(), CraftServer.class)
nmsDispatcher = vanillaCommandDispatcher.dispatcher();
* Removes a plugin command that overrides a vanilla command, so the vanilla command functionnalities are fully
* restored (so, not only the usage, but also the suggestions and the command structure sent to the client).
* @param name the name of the command to restore.
public static void restoreVanillaCommand(String name) {
CommandMap bukkitCmdMap = Bukkit.getCommandMap();
Command bukkitCommand = bukkitCmdMap.getCommand(name);
if (bukkitCommand != null) {
if (VanillaCommandWrapper.REFLECT.get().isInstance(bukkitCommand)) {"Command /" + name + " is already a vanilla command.");
}"Removing Bukkit command /" + name + " (" + getCommandIdentity(bukkitCommand) + ")");
LiteralCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> node = (LiteralCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource>) getRootNode().getChild(name);
Command newCommand = new VanillaCommandWrapper(vanillaCommandDispatcher, node).__getRuntimeInstance();
bukkitCmdMap.getKnownCommands().put(name.toLowerCase(), newCommand);
* Returns the vanilla instance of the Brigadier dispatcher.
* @return the vanilla instance of the Brigadier dispatcher.
public static CommandDispatcher<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> getNMSDispatcher() {
return nmsDispatcher;
* Returns the root command node of the Brigadier dispatcher.
* @return the root command node of the Brigadier dispatcher.
protected static RootCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> getRootNode() {
return nmsDispatcher.getRoot();
private final Plugin plugin;
* The command node of this command.
protected final LiteralCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> commandNode;
private final RegistrationPolicy registrationPolicy;
private Set<String> registeredAliases;
* Instanciate this command instance.
* @param pl the plugin instance.
* @param regPolicy the registration policy for this command.
public PaperBrigadierCommand(Plugin pl, RegistrationPolicy regPolicy) {
plugin = pl;
registrationPolicy = regPolicy;
commandNode = buildCommand().build();
Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, plugin);
try {
PandalibPaperPermissions.addPermissionMapping("minecraft.command." + commandNode.getLiteral().toLowerCase(), getTargetPermission().toLowerCase());
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError ignored) { }
* Instanciate this command isntance with a registration policy of {@link RegistrationPolicy#ONLY_BASE_COMMAND}.
* @param pl the plugin instance.
public PaperBrigadierCommand(Plugin pl) {
this(pl, RegistrationPolicy.ONLY_BASE_COMMAND);
private void register() {
String[] aliases = getAliases();
if (aliases == null)
aliases = new String[0];
String pluginName = plugin.getName().toLowerCase();
registeredAliases = new HashSet<>();
registerNode(commandNode, false);
registerAlias(pluginName + ":" + commandNode.getLiteral(), true);
for (String alias : aliases) {
registerAlias(alias, false);
registerAlias(pluginName + ":" + alias, true);
private void registerAlias(String alias, boolean prefixed) {
LiteralCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> node = literal(alias)
registerNode(node, prefixed);
private void registerNode(LiteralCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> node, boolean prefixed) {
RootCommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> root = getRootNode();
String name = node.getLiteral();
boolean isAlias = node.getRedirect() == commandNode;
boolean forceRegistration = switch (registrationPolicy) {
case NONE -> false;
case ONLY_BASE_COMMAND -> prefixed || !isAlias;
case ALL -> true;
// nmsDispatcher integration and conflit resolution
boolean nmsRegister = false, nmsRegistered = false;
CommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> nmsConflited = root.getChild(name);
if (nmsConflited != null) {
if (isFromThisCommand(nmsConflited)) {
// this command is already registered in NMS. Dont need to register again
nmsRegistered = true;
else if (forceRegistration) {
nmsRegister = true;"Overwriting Brigadier command /" + name);
else {
Log.severe("/" + name + " already in NMS Brigadier instance."
+ " Wont replace it because registration is not forced.");
else {
nmsRegister = true;
if (nmsRegister) {
var rCommandNode = ReflectWrapper.wrapTyped(root, fr.pandacube.lib.paper.reflect.wrapper.brigadier.CommandNode.class);
nmsRegistered = true;
if (!nmsRegistered) {
// bukkit dispatcher conflict resolution
boolean bukkitRegister = false;
CommandMap bukkitCmdMap = Bukkit.getCommandMap();
Command bukkitConflicted = bukkitCmdMap.getCommand(name);
if (bukkitConflicted != null) {
if (!isFromThisCommand(bukkitConflicted)) {
if (forceRegistration) {
bukkitRegister = true;"Overwriting Bukkit command /" + name
+ " (" + getCommandIdentity(bukkitConflicted) + ")");
else {
Log.severe("/" + name + " already in Bukkit"
+ " dispatcher (" + getCommandIdentity(bukkitConflicted)
+ "). Wont replace it because registration is not forced.");
else {
bukkitRegister = true;
if (bukkitRegister) {
if (bukkitConflicted != null)
Command newCommand = new VanillaCommandWrapper(vanillaCommandDispatcher, node).__getRuntimeInstance();
bukkitCmdMap.getKnownCommands().put(name.toLowerCase(), newCommand);
private boolean isFromThisCommand(CommandNode<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> node) {
return node == commandNode || node.getRedirect() == commandNode;
private boolean isFromThisCommand(Command bukkitCmd) {
if (VanillaCommandWrapper.REFLECT.get().isInstance(bukkitCmd)) {
return isFromThisCommand(ReflectWrapper.wrapTyped((BukkitCommand) bukkitCmd, VanillaCommandWrapper.class).vanillaCommand());
return false;
private static String getCommandIdentity(Command bukkitCmd) {
if (bukkitCmd instanceof PluginCommand cmd) {
return "Bukkit command: /" + cmd.getName() + " from plugin " + cmd.getPlugin().getName();
else if (VanillaCommandWrapper.REFLECT.get().isInstance(bukkitCmd)) {
return "Vanilla command: /" + bukkitCmd.getName();
return bukkitCmd.getClass().getName() + ": /" + bukkitCmd.getName();
* Player command sender event handler.
* @param event the event.
public void onPlayerCommandSend(PlayerCommandSendEvent event) {
event.getCommands().removeAll( -> "minecraft:" + s).toList());
* Server load event handler.
* @param event the event.
public void onServerLoad(ServerLoadEvent event) {
* Returns the permission that should be tested instead of "minecraft.command.cmdName". The conversion from the
* minecraft prefixed permission node to the returned node is done by the {@code pandalib-paper-permissions} if it
* is present in the classpath during runtime.
* @return the permission that should be tested instead of "minecraft.command.cmdName".
protected abstract String getTargetPermission();
public boolean isConsole(BukkitBrigadierCommandSource wrapper) {
return isConsole(getCommandSender(wrapper));
public boolean isPlayer(BukkitBrigadierCommandSource wrapper) {
return isPlayer(getCommandSender(wrapper));
public Predicate<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> hasPermission(String permission) {
return wrapper -> getCommandSender(wrapper).hasPermission(permission);
* Tells if the provided command sender is the console.
* @param sender the sender to test if its the console or not.
* @return true if the sender is the console, false otherwise.
public boolean isConsole(CommandSender sender) {
return sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender;
* Tells if the provided command sender is a player.
* @param sender the sender to test if its a player or not.
* @return true if the sender is a player, false otherwise.
public boolean isPlayer(CommandSender sender) {
return sender instanceof Player;
* Gets the Bukkit command sender from the provided context.
* @param context the command context from which to get the Bukkit command sender.
* @return the Bukkit command sender.
public static CommandSender getCommandSender(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context) {
return getCommandSender(context.getSource());
* Gets the Bukkit command sender from the provided wrapper.
* @param wrapper the wrapper from which to get the Bukkit command sender.
* @return the Bukkit command sender.
public static CommandSender getCommandSender(BukkitBrigadierCommandSource wrapper) {
return wrapper.getBukkitSender();
* Gets a new instance of a command sender wrapper for the provided command sender.
* @param sender the command sender.
* @return a new instance of a command sender wrapper for the provided command sender.
public static BukkitBrigadierCommandSource getBrigadierCommandSource(CommandSender sender) {
return VanillaCommandWrapper.getListener(sender);
* A suggestions supplier that suggests the names of the worlds currently loaded on this server.
public static final SuggestionsSupplier<CommandSender> TAB_WORLDS = SuggestionsSupplier.fromStreamSupplier(() -> Bukkit.getWorlds().stream().map(World::getName));
* Wraps the provided {@link SuggestionsSupplier} into a Brigadiers {@link SuggestionProvider}.
* @param suggestions the suggestions to wrap.
* @return a {@link SuggestionProvider} generating the suggestions from the provided {@link SuggestionsSupplier}.
protected SuggestionProvider<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> wrapSuggestions(SuggestionsSupplier<CommandSender> suggestions) {
return wrapSuggestions(suggestions, PaperBrigadierCommand::getCommandSender);
* Wraps the provided brigadier command executor in another one that logs eventual throw exceptions and informs the
* player.
* The default behaviour of the vanilla instance of the Brigadier dispatcher is to ignore any unchecked exception
* thrown by a command executor.
* @param cmd the command executor to wrap.
* @return a wrapper command executor.
protected static com.mojang.brigadier.Command<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> wrapCommand(com.mojang.brigadier.Command<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> cmd) {
return context -> {
try {
} catch(CommandSyntaxException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Throwable t) {
getCommandSender(context).sendMessage(Chat.failureText("Error while executing the command: " + t));
return 0;
* Minecraft argument type
* Creates a new instance of the Brigadier argument type {@code minecraft:entity}.
* @param singleTarget if this argument takes only a single target.
* @param playersOnly if this argument takes players only.
* @return the {@code minecraft:entity} argument type with the specified parameters.
public static ArgumentType<Object> argumentMinecraftEntity(boolean singleTarget, boolean playersOnly) {
if (playersOnly) {
return singleTarget ? EntityArgument.player() : EntityArgument.players();
else {
return singleTarget ? EntityArgument.entity() : EntityArgument.entities();
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:entity} (list of entities), from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @return the value of the argument, or null if not found.
public List<Entity> tryGetMinecraftEntityArgument(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context, String argument) {
EntitySelector es = ReflectWrapper.wrap(tryGetArgument(context, argument, EntitySelector.MAPPING.runtimeClass()), EntitySelector.class);
if (es == null)
return null;
List<> nmsEntityList = es.findEntities(context.getSource());
List<Entity> entityList = new ArrayList<>(nmsEntityList.size());
for ( nmsEntity : nmsEntityList) {
return entityList;
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:entity} (list of players), from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @return the value of the argument, or null if not found.
public List<Player> tryGetMinecraftEntityArgumentPlayers(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context, String argument) {
EntitySelector es = ReflectWrapper.wrap(tryGetArgument(context, argument, EntitySelector.MAPPING.runtimeClass()), EntitySelector.class);
if (es == null)
return null;
List<ServerPlayer> nmsPlayerList = es.findPlayers(context.getSource());
List<Player> playerList = new ArrayList<>(nmsPlayerList.size());
for (ServerPlayer nmsPlayer : nmsPlayerList) {
return playerList;
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:entity} (one entity), from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @return the value of the argument, or null if not found.
public Entity tryGetMinecraftEntityArgumentOneEntity(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context, String argument) {
EntitySelector es = ReflectWrapper.wrap(tryGetArgument(context, argument, EntitySelector.MAPPING.runtimeClass()), EntitySelector.class);
if (es == null)
return null; nmsEntity = es.findSingleEntity(context.getSource());
return nmsEntity == null ? null : nmsEntity.getBukkitEntity();
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:entity} (one player), from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @return the value of the argument, or null if not found.
public Player tryGetMinecraftEntityArgumentOnePlayer(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context, String argument) {
EntitySelector es = ReflectWrapper.wrap(tryGetArgument(context, argument, EntitySelector.MAPPING.runtimeClass()), EntitySelector.class);
if (es == null)
return null;
ServerPlayer nmsPlayer = es.findSinglePlayer(context.getSource());
return nmsPlayer == null ? null : nmsPlayer.getBukkitEntity();
* Creates a new instance of the Brigadier argument type {@code minecraft:block_pos}.
* @return the {@code minecraft:block_pos} argument type.
public static ArgumentType<Object> argumentMinecraftBlockPosition() {
return BlockPosArgument.blockPos();
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:block_pos}, from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @param deflt a defualt value if the argument is not found.
* @return the value of the argument.
public BlockVector tryGetMinecraftBlockPositionArgument(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context,
String argument, BlockVector deflt) {
return tryGetArgument(context, argument, Coordinates.MAPPING.runtimeClass(), nmsCoord -> {
BlockPos bp = ReflectWrapper.wrap(nmsCoord, Coordinates.class).getBlockPos(context.getSource());
return new BlockVector(bp.getX(), bp.getY(), bp.getZ());
}, deflt);
* Creates a new instance of the Brigadier argument type {@code minecraft:vec3}.
* @return the {@code minecraft:vec3} argument type.
public static ArgumentType<Object> argumentMinecraftVec3() {
return Vec3Argument.vec3(true);
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:vec3}, from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @param deflt a defualt value if the argument is not found.
* @return the value of the argument.
public Vector tryGetMinecraftVec3Argument(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context, String argument,
Vector deflt) {
return tryGetArgument(context, argument, Coordinates.MAPPING.runtimeClass(),
nmsCoord -> CraftVector.toBukkit(
ReflectWrapper.wrap(nmsCoord, Coordinates.class).getPosition(context.getSource())
* Creates a new instance of the Brigadier argument type {@code minecraft:component}.
* @return the {@code minecraft:component} argument type.
public static ArgumentType<Object> argumentMinecraftChatComponent() {
return ComponentArgument.textComponent();
* Gets the value of the provided argument of type {@code minecraft:component}, from the provided context.
* @param context the command execution context.
* @param argument the argument name.
* @param deflt a defualt value if the argument is not found.
* @return the value of the argument.
public Component tryGetMinecraftChatComponentArgument(CommandContext<BukkitBrigadierCommandSource> context,
String argument, Component deflt) {
return tryGetArgument(context, argument,,
nmsComp -> PaperAdventure.asAdventure(
* All possible choices on how to force the registration of a command, based on certain conditions.
public enum RegistrationPolicy {
* Do not force to register a command node or an alias if there is already a command with that name in the
* vanilla Brigadier dispatcher.
* Note that all plugin-name-prefixed aliases will be registered anyway.
* Force only the base command (but not the aliases) to be registered, even if a command with that name already
* exists in the vanilla Brigadier dispatcher.
* Force the command and all of its aliases to be registered, even if a command with the same name or alias
* already exists in the vanilla Brigadier dispatcher.