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package fr.pandacube.util.orm;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import fr.pandacube.util.EnumUtil;
import fr.pandacube.util.Log;
public abstract class SQLElement<E extends SQLElement<E>> {
/** cache for fields for each subclass of SQLElement */
/* package */ static final Map<Class<? extends SQLElement<?>>, SQLFieldMap<? extends SQLElement<?>>> fieldsCache = new HashMap<>();
DBConnection db = ORM.getConnection();
private boolean stored = false;
private int id;
private final SQLFieldMap<E> fields;
private final Map<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> values;
/* package */ final Set<String> modifiedSinceLastSave;
public SQLElement() {
try {
} catch (ORMInitTableException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if (fieldsCache.get(getClass()) == null) {
fields = new SQLFieldMap<>((Class<E>)getClass());
// le champ id commun à toutes les tables
SQLField<E, Integer> idF = new SQLField<>(INT, false, true, 0);
fieldsCache.put((Class<E>)getClass(), fields);
fields = (SQLFieldMap<E>) fieldsCache.get(getClass());
values = new LinkedHashMap<>(fields.size());
modifiedSinceLastSave = new HashSet<>(fields.size());
protected SQLElement(int id) {
SQLField<E, Integer> idField = (SQLField<E, Integer>) fields.get("id");
set(idField, id, false); = id;
stored = true;
* @return The name of the table in the database.
protected abstract String tableName();
private void initDefaultValues() {
// remplissage des données par défaut (si peut être null ou si valeur
// par défaut existe)
for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
SQLField f : fields.values())
if (f.defaultValue != null) set(f, f.defaultValue);
else if (f.canBeNull || (f.autoIncrement && !stored)) set(f, null);
protected void generateFields(SQLFieldMap<E> listToFill) {
java.lang.reflect.Field[] declaredFields = getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (java.lang.reflect.Field field : declaredFields) {
if (!SQLField.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType())) {
Log.debug("[ORM] The field " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + field.getName() + " is of type " + field.getType().getName() + " so it will be ignored.");
if (!Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) {
Log.severe("[ORM] The field " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + field.getName() + " can't be initialized because it is not static.");
try {
Object val = field.get(null);
if (val == null || !(val instanceof SQLField)) {
Log.severe("[ORM] The field " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + field.getName() + " can't be initialized because its value is null.");
SQLField<E, ?> checkedF = (SQLField<E, ?>) val;
if (!Modifier.isPublic(field.getModifiers()))
Log.warning("[ORM] The field " + field.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + field.getName() + " should be public !");
if (listToFill.containsKey(checkedF.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"SQLField " + checkedF.getName() + " already exist in " + getClass().getName());
checkedF.setSQLElementType((Class<E>) getClass());
listToFill.addField((SQLField<?, ?>) val);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) {
Log.severe("Can't get value of static field " + field.toString(), e);
/* package */ Map<String, SQLField<E, ?>> getFields() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(fields);
public Map<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> getValues() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(values);
public <T> E set(SQLField<E, T> field, T value) {
set(field, value, true);
return (E) this;
/* package */ <T> void set(SQLField<E, T> sqlField, T value, boolean setModified) {
if (sqlField == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sqlField can't be null");
if (!fields.containsValue(sqlField)) // should not append at runtime because of generic type check at compilation
throw new IllegalStateException("In the table "+getClass().getName()+ ": the field asked for modification is not initialized properly.");
boolean modify = false;
if (value == null) {
if (sqlField.canBeNull || (sqlField.autoIncrement && !stored)) modify = true;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"SQLField '" + sqlField.getName() + "' of " + getClass().getName() + " is a NOT NULL field");
else if (sqlField.type.isAssignableFrom(value)) modify = true;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("SQLField '" + sqlField.getName() + "' of " + getClass().getName()
+ " type is '" + sqlField.type.toString() + "' and can't accept values of type "
+ value.getClass().getName());
if (modify) if (!values.containsKey(sqlField)) {
values.put(sqlField, value);
if (setModified) modifiedSinceLastSave.add(sqlField.getName());
else {
Object oldVal = values.get(sqlField);
if (!Objects.equals(oldVal, value)) {
values.put(sqlField, value);
if (setModified) modifiedSinceLastSave.add(sqlField.getName());
// sinon, rien n'est modifié
public <T> T get(SQLField<E, T> field) {
if (field == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("field can't be null");
if (values.containsKey(field)) {
T val = (T) values.get(field);
return val;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The field '" + field.getName() + "' in this instance of " + getClass().getName()
+ " does not exist or is not set");
* @param <T> the type of the specified field
* @param <P> the table class of the primary key targeted by the specified foreign key field
* @return the element in the table P that his primary key correspond to the foreign key value of this element.
public <T, P extends SQLElement<P>> P getReferencedEntry(SQLFKField<E, T, P> field) throws ORMException {
T fkValue = get(field);
if (fkValue == null) return null;
return ORM.getFirst(field.getForeignElementClass(), field.getPrimaryField().eq(fkValue), null);
* @param <T> the type of the specified field
* @param <F> the table class of the foreign key that reference a primary key of this element.
* @return all elements in the table F for which the specified foreign key value correspond to the primary key of this element.
public <T, F extends SQLElement<F>> SQLElementList<F> getReferencingForeignEntries(SQLFKField<F, T, E> field, SQLOrderBy<F> orderBy, Integer limit, Integer offset) throws ORMException {
T value = get(field.getPrimaryField());
if (value == null) return new SQLElementList<>();
return ORM.getAll(field.getSQLElementType(), field.eq(value), orderBy, limit, offset);
public boolean isValidForSave() {
return values.keySet().containsAll(fields.values());
private Map<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> getOnlyModifiedValues() {
Map<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> modifiedValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
values.forEach((k, v) -> {
if (modifiedSinceLastSave.contains(k.getName())) modifiedValues.put(k, v);
return modifiedValues;
public boolean isModified(SQLField<E, ?> field) {
return modifiedSinceLastSave.contains(field.getName());
public E save() throws ORMException {
if (!isValidForSave())
throw new IllegalStateException(toString() + " has at least one undefined value and can't be saved.");
try {
if (stored) { // mettre à jour les valeurs dans la base
// restaurer l'ID au cas il aurait été changé à la main dans
// values
SQLField<E, Integer> idField = (SQLField<E, Integer>) fields.get("id");
values.put(idField, id);
Map<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> modifiedValues = getOnlyModifiedValues();
if (modifiedValues.isEmpty()) return (E) this;
ORM.update((Class<E>)getClass(), getFieldId().eq(getId()), modifiedValues);
else { // ajouter dans la base
// restaurer l'ID au cas il aurait été changé à la main dans
// values
values.put(fields.get("id"), null);
String concat_vals = "";
String concat_fields = "";
List<Object> psValues = new ArrayList<>();
boolean first = true;
for (Map.Entry<SQLField<E, ?>, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
if (!first) {
concat_vals += ",";
concat_fields += ",";
first = false;
concat_vals += " ? ";
concat_fields += "`" + entry.getKey().getName() + "`";
addValueToSQLObjectList(psValues, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
try (PreparedStatement ps = db.getNativeConnection().prepareStatement(
"INSERT INTO " + tableName() + " (" + concat_fields + ") VALUES (" + concat_vals + ")",
int i = 1;
for (Object val : psValues)
ps.setObject(i++, val);
try (ResultSet rs = ps.getGeneratedKeys()) {
if ( id = rs.getInt(1);
stored = true;
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ORMException("Error while saving data", e);
return (E) this;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>> void addValueToSQLObjectList(List<Object> list, SQLField<E, ?> field, Object jValue) throws ORMException {
if (jValue != null && field.type instanceof SQLCustomType) {
try {
jValue = ((SQLCustomType)field.type).javaToDbConv.apply(jValue);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ORMException("Error while converting value of field '"+field.getName()+"' with SQLCustomType from "+field.type.getJavaType()
+"(java source) to "+((SQLCustomType<?, ?>)field.type).intermediateJavaType+"(jdbc destination). The original value is '"+jValue.toString()+"'", e);
public boolean isStored() {
return stored;
public Integer getId() {
return (stored) ? id : null;
public SQLField<E, Integer> getFieldId() {
return (SQLField<E, Integer>) fields.get("id");
public void delete() throws ORMException {
if (stored) { // supprimer la ligne de la base
try (PreparedStatement st = db.getNativeConnection()
.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM " + tableName() + " WHERE id=" + id)) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ORMException(e);
* Méthode appelée quand l'élément courant est retirée de la base de données
* via une requête externe
/* package */ void markAsNotStored() {
stored = false;
id = 0;
values.forEach((k, v) -> modifiedSinceLastSave.add(k.getName()));
protected static class SQLFieldMap<E extends SQLElement<E>> extends LinkedHashMap<String, SQLField<E, ?>> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private final Class<E> sqlElemClass;
private SQLFieldMap(Class<E> elemClass) {
sqlElemClass = elemClass;
private void addField(SQLField<?, ?> f) {
if (f == null) return;
if (containsKey(f.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"SQLField " + f.getName() + " already exist in " + sqlElemClass.getName());
SQLField<E, ?> checkedF = (SQLField<E, ?>) f;
put(checkedF.getName(), checkedF);
public String toString() {
ToStringBuilder b = new ToStringBuilder(this);
for (SQLField<E, ?> f : fields.values())
try {
b.append(f.getName(), get(f));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
b.append(f.getName(), "(Undefined)");
return b.toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == null || !(getClass().isInstance(o))) return false;
SQLElement<?> oEl = (SQLElement<?>) o;
if (oEl.getId() == null) return false;
return oEl.getId().equals(getId());
public int hashCode() {
return super.hashCode();
public JsonObject asJsonObject() {
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
for (SQLField<E, ?> f : getFields().values()) {
json.add(f.getName(), new Gson().toJsonTree(get(f)));
return json;
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, T> SQLField<E, T> field(SQLType<T> t, boolean nul, boolean autoIncr, T deflt) {
return new SQLField<>(t, nul, autoIncr, deflt);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, T> SQLField<E, T> field(SQLType<T> t, boolean nul) {
return new SQLField<>(t, nul);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, T> SQLField<E, T> field(SQLType<T> t, boolean nul, boolean autoIncr) {
return new SQLField<>(t, nul, autoIncr);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, T> SQLField<E, T> field(SQLType<T> t, boolean nul, T deflt) {
return new SQLField<>(t, nul, deflt);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, F extends SQLElement<F>> SQLFKField<E, Integer, F> foreignKeyId(boolean nul, Class<F> fkEl) {
return SQLFKField.idFK(nul, fkEl);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, F extends SQLElement<F>> SQLFKField<E, Integer, F> foreignKeyId(boolean nul, Integer deflt, Class<F> fkEl) {
return SQLFKField.idFK(nul, deflt, fkEl);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, T, F extends SQLElement<F>> SQLFKField<E, T, F> foreignKey(boolean nul, Class<F> fkEl, SQLField<F, T> fkF) {
return SQLFKField.customFK(nul, fkEl, fkF);
protected static <E extends SQLElement<E>, T, F extends SQLElement<F>> SQLFKField<E, T, F> foreignKey(boolean nul, T deflt, Class<F> fkEl, SQLField<F, T> fkF) {
return SQLFKField.customFK(nul, deflt, fkEl, fkF);
public static final SQLType<Boolean> BOOLEAN = new SQLType<>("BOOLEAN", Boolean.class);
public static final SQLType<Integer> TINYINT = new SQLType<>("TINYINT", Integer.class); // cant be Byte due to MYSQL JDBC Connector limitations
public static final SQLType<Integer> BYTE = TINYINT;
public static final SQLType<Integer> SMALLINT = new SQLType<>("SMALLINT", Integer.class); // cant be Short due to MYSQL JDBC Connector limitations
public static final SQLType<Integer> SHORT = SMALLINT;
public static final SQLType<Integer> INT = new SQLType<>("INT", Integer.class);
public static final SQLType<Integer> INTEGER = INT;
public static final SQLType<Long> BIGINT = new SQLType<>("BIGINT", Long.class);
public static final SQLType<Long> LONG = BIGINT;
public static final SQLType<Date> DATE = new SQLType<>("DATE", Date.class);
public static final SQLType<Float> FLOAT = new SQLType<>("FLOAT", Float.class);
public static final SQLType<Double> DOUBLE = new SQLType<>("DOUBLE", Double.class);
public static final SQLType<String> CHAR(int charCount) {
if (charCount <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("charCount must be positive.");
return new SQLType<>("CHAR(" + charCount + ")", String.class);
public static final SQLType<String> VARCHAR(int charCount) {
if (charCount <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("charCount must be positive.");
return new SQLType<>("VARCHAR(" + charCount + ")", String.class);
public static final SQLType<String> TEXT = new SQLType<>("TEXT", String.class);
public static final SQLType<String> STRING = TEXT;
public static final <T extends Enum<T>> SQLType<T> ENUM(Class<T> enumType) {
if (enumType == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("enumType can't be null.");
String enumStr = "'";
boolean first = true;
for (T el : enumType.getEnumConstants()) {
if (!first) enumStr += "', '";
first = false;
enumStr +=;
enumStr += "'";
return new SQLCustomType<>("VARCHAR(" + enumStr + ")", String.class, enumType, s -> EnumUtil.searchEnum(enumType, s), Enum::name);
public static final SQLType<UUID> CHAR36_UUID = new SQLCustomType<>(CHAR(36), UUID.class, UUID::fromString, UUID::toString);